A deal

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*Daniels POV*

I walk around the courtyard. I wasn't really sure why until I found my self infront of Damiens grave, crying my eyes out and I couldn't calm myself. I was suddenly angry and I pounded my fists against the ground. One of the fresh roses falls away from the rest and bumps into my hand. I look at it.
I got up and went inside. I come across Theo.
"Theo, find everything we have on that demon. Strengths, weaknesses, anything. Just find it, and bring it to my study."
"Understood your majesty."
He rushes off and I go to my study. Theo eventually arrives with several books, "may I ask what you need all of this for?"
"So I can figure out who to kill it."
"Kill it? My my, sir, you know what Damien would say to that, now, don't you your majesty?"
I sigh, "yes... they'd say that killing it is a bit extreme. You're right. They're right, this... this is stupid... just take the books away."
"Of course your majesty."
He then leaves and I head to the dungeons to see if I can speak to it. It's on the first level. I walk to the cell that the vase is being kept in and stand at the door, "you can't get out by yourself can you?"
The lid floats off the top and thick black oozy smokes pours out, and changes into the form of a man.
"Why are you now human?"
"I... I'm it's host."
"It's host. It lives inside of me."
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"Not really, and on the plus side, I'm basically immortal now."
"Why are you it's host?"
"I... I made a deal with it..."
"A deal?"
"Yes... you see, it... it hunts Night Bloods. And... and I was adopted by a Night Blood couple as a baby. I'm human. And... it killed them. My mothers. And I wasn't- I wasn't ready for them to go, and... I told the demon, that... that if it brought back my parents, I'd be it's host..."
"It brought back my parents, made me it's host, and... and I have seen so many Night Bloods die. Innocent Night Bloods who've yet to discover their powers. And then we could both sense something more powerful than a regular Night Blood. A... a half breed. It was in your castle. I could see and hear everything and the look in that poor child's eyes- I- I- I can't..." he swallowed and continued, "the child was terrified... I... I can still here their scream in my nightmares, I-" he winced and presses their fingers to their temples, "it was horrible... and then... and then I heard the cracking... their- their ribs... all of them... cracking... and then they were falling... and screaming... and... a few seconds before..."
"Before they hit the ground..."
"I said stop."
"The screaming stops. It's quiet."
"You stand there, unable to figure out what to do."
"Just Stop, I don't-"
"You're shocked."
I here footsteps behind me.
"You try to kill yourself, but your friend stops you. Your unhappy And you will be, for the rest of you life. Because of me... but... there's a way... for you to be happy again..."
"What... what are you saying?"
"Become the demons new host. He will bring your love back to life."
"Please... you'll be setting me free. I can go see my family again. My mothers. I can live out the rest of my life, with the people I love. So can you."
I feel tears running down my cheeks.
He reaches his hand through the bars, "please, set me free... then you can see Damien again."
I move my hand closer to his, but then pull it back, "no..."
"I said no."
"Why? Please!"
"No. You said, that if I set you free, you'll be able to see your family again, implying that you haven't seen them for a long time. And, that if I become the demons new host, I'll see Damien again. But I won't, because I'll be trapped in your cage. Never able to see the light of day again. Never able to see anyone again. I'm sorry, but I won't take your hand. But, I will find a way to free you from this demon."
"I promise."
"Thank you..."
He turns back into smoke and goes back into the vase. The lid goes back on and I turn around to see Theo, "that was very brave of you your majesty."
"Thank you."
We leave and head to the library, "let's find a way to separate the boy from the demon."
"Okay sir."
We begin looking through the books and I shiver, "Theo, are you getting cold?"
"Yes sir, it is quite chilly in here."
"Okay, grab as much books as you can find and bring them to my study. There's no windows in there, so it should be warm."
"Of course your majesty."...
When we get to my study, I close the door and shove a blanket across the bottom so that the hot air doesn't escape. I light the fire and ask, there's a pantry in here yes?"
"Yes sir, you had it installed because you often became snackish whilst working in here late at night. It was just refreshed yesterday."
"Perfect! Let's get reading!"
We move the sofa, and wrap several blankets around the two of us and lay the books on the table behind us along with some food. It's nice having someone, who you see as a father, to cuddle up with when you're cold.
We both get distracted by the fire, and without thinking, I say, "Dad?"
Theo replies with, "hm?"
I look at him, "Sorry."
"It's alright Son. If calling me dad makes you happy, then I'll accept it."
He smiles warmly and I lean my head on his shoulder, "okay then. Thank you." I smile, "Dad."

The fire goes out suddenly and it becomes incredibly colder. We grab the blanket from the door, the rest of the blankets, and rush into the pantry where it's slightly warmer, and we wrap ourselves up in the blankets, and keep each other close. Ice appears underneath the door and starts to cover everything.

It begins to come towards us and I cling to Theo in fear. I begin to cry and he comforts me and keeps me close. I bury my face in his chest.

There's so many things I haven't done yet. I wasn't able to separate the boy from the demon. I wasn't able to tell the villagers how close to my heart they had become. And I wasn't able to find a way for the Night Bloods to go home.
I wasn't able to say goodbye to.....


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