The engagement.

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It's the night of the ball, and I've allowed anyone from the nearest part of my kingdom to attend. Everyone is dancing when the doorman enters, "introducing a close friend of the kings, Damien!"
Damien walks in, clearly nervous as they are clenching and unclenching their fists. I smile at them reassuringly.
All eyes are on them and they take deep breath's as they walk closer. Diya gives them a thumbs up. I get off my throne and walk down towards them, "how are you?"
"N-nervous, mostly."
"Well, i can understand since it's your first ball."
"Everyone is looking at me."
"Because you're the most beautiful person here."
The music starts up and I ask, "may I have this dance?"
"I... Um... Well it'd be rude of me to refuse, so... y-yes."
I smile and take their hand in mine, "do you know how to dance?"
"A.. a bit..."
"Okay, put your left hand on my shoulder, and your right hand in my left hand. I will place my left hand on you hip, okay?"
"And, follow my feet."
They look at the floor and watch my feet as we dance. They pick up the movements quite quickly
"You're getting the hang of it!"
"I-I am!" They smile as we continue to dance. They look so happy and I say, "you are so beautiful."
"Thank you your majesty."
"Please. Call me Daniel."
I smile and take a step back to look at them, "there's something missing."
I go back to the empty throne on the left of mine and pick up the black crown. I walk back to Damien and all eyes are on us. I hold up the crown and they look at it, "I'm... im confused..."
"Damien?" I take a deep breath, "will you wear this crown?"
They hug me and kiss my cheek.
I blush as everyone else in the room cheers.
Damien then steps back with their hands on my shoulders, "I... I honestly never thought that you'd love me... "
there's tears in their eyes, "oh my, this is so sappy."
I chuckle, "of course I love you."
Damien bursts into tears and then laughs a bit, "Edmund would be so jealous."
"Well, we'll publicly announce it. Then he'd be wishing that he never gave up on you."
Damien hugs me again...

The next day, a messenger goes through the nearest parts of the kingdom, delivering the good news.
Me and Damien are out on a walk through the village and they ask, "could we go visit my father?"
"Of course!"
We head to the farm and their father is stood outside the farmhouse. He sees us and then runs over and hugs us both, "congratulations!"
He looks at me, "you treat them right, you hear?"
"Yes. I will treat them with respect and admiration, and shall shower them with love."
"Then we won't have a problem!" He looks behind us, "oh hello Edmund."
We all turn around and Damiens father continues, "guess who's going to be my new son in law!"
He taps my arm with his elbow and I smile.
Edmund looks at Damien, "you fell in love with the guy who took you prisoner? He threatened to burn the farm to the ground."
I frown, "and I'll burn you down in a minute if you don't watch your tongue!"
"You know what, I'm glad I married Daisy. Because you're a freak."
Damiens father punches him before I get the chance, "you call my child a freak one more time, and I will use your body as fertiliser!"
I then also punch Edmund.
He gets up and walks away.
I turn to Damien, "are you alright?"
"I'm fine."
Their father smiles, "tea anyone?"
We all go inside...

We're laying in bed in their room back at the castle, and have allowed James, (Damiens father) to live with us. We left him to explore the castle as we went to bed.
Damien runs their long, Pail fingers along my chest. Their nails were still painted, but where black and gold instead of just plain black.
"When is your birthday?"
"It's two months from now."
"In may?"
"What day?"
"The twenty third."
"Why do you ask?"
"I'm just interested."
They walk their fingers along my stomach, lightly, so their nails don't pierce my skin accidentally.
I watch their eyes as they move around, watching the movement of their fingers.
I blushed, I'd never been addressed by Ever.
"Can I Kiss you?"
I turn my head to face them, and they cup my cheek with their hand and kiss me on the lips. Their lips are so soft, and they taste like sweet cherries.
When they pull away the tuck their head under my chin and fall asleep. I kiss their forehead and drift off to sleep...

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