General Hux

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You woke in the fineliser with your boyfriend General Hux already up and getting dressed. You looked up at Armitage pouting.

"What?" hux asked down at you.

"Armitage" you moaned. "It's valentines day"

"So?" he asked.

"Couldn't we relax for a bit?" you asked.

"I have work" he said. "and so do you"

"My shift starts at 10 am," you murmured. "I get off at 10 pm"

"I finish at 7 pm" he said. "But I will do overtime."

"of course you will" you said sighing.

Hux rolled his eyes and left the room. You hated Armitage sometimes and got up to get ready for work. You felt like crying and you went over to where you hid your gift to Armitage. You sighed whipped your tears. Going over to the shower you got ready for work and ate breakfast. Armitage seemed not to care anymore.

You started your long shift in the control room commanding and looking over procedures however you couldn't concentrate, always thinking back to Armitage. Was he acting so cold because he didn't love you? You sighed again and carried on your shift.

Around six hours later you finally had a break and you flumped into the cafe. You were used to long hours but today you felt deflated. It was valentines, a day to spend with your loved one.

Sitting at the commander's table you were joined by Captin Phasma. She has her armour off, only wearing her work out equipment. Her hair was styled perfectly and she looked glowing.

"Morning (y/n)" she said. She noticed your down face "What's Hux done this time?" she asked.

"he doesn't understand what valentines day is" you huffed. "he doesn't want to spend time with me and even said he is taking overtime!" you sighed. "could you, in your way tell him that if he does not start pulling his act together I will dump him in front of the new recruits"

"I would be happy too" Phasma said grinning. "any reason to get bruise that man's ego"

"Thanks so much" you said grinning. "Fuck" you muttered. "I had better go. Good talking to you Captin"

"and your too commander" she said.

You went back to the control deck to see Armitage standing there. He gave you a smirk and looked back at the control room. "Afternoon General" you said. 

"Afternoon commander" 

"I think Captin Phasma has a message for you" you said. "Private message."

"Is that so?" he asked

"Yes. She is in her office" you said.

Hux nodded and stalked off toward Captin Phasma's office. You smirked and watched over the command deck.

Armitage was thinking. He wanted T celebrate valentines day but he was busy and he didn't want to put his gaurd down. Getting to Phasma's office he knocked and opened the door.

"General" phasma said with a smile.

Hux sat and stated at Phasma. "What is it Captin?" he asked

"It's Valentines day" phasma stated

"I am aware" hux mused

"anything planned with (y/n)?" she asked.

"We are both busy today" he said. "she knew when we started a relationship that I am not one for this type of thing."

"But I can tell she is felling lonely and doesn't feel like you care for her romantically" phasma said. "If you want your relationship with (y/n) to last you need to celebrate the day with her or it shows you don't care. And I know you care."

"I do care for (y/n)" he muttered. "I am just so busy"

"Then make yourself free. You are a general. You control those who make the roata" Phasma said. "Even if it is just for today"

Hux sighed and ran his fingers through his ginger hair. "Fine." he muttered. "Could you do a favour for me?" he suddenly asked.

"If it is to help (y/n) then yes" Phasma said.

You finally got on your second break six hours later. You sighed and traipsed towards the cafe.

"Commander (y/n)?" you turned to face Armitage. He smiled slightly. "Commander (y/n) could you come with me please?"

You nodded and walked after Armitage back to your and his quarters. "What is is Armi?" you asked as you walked after him to see the quarters smelt like food and candles. "wha?"

"Happy valentines day love" he murmured and kissed you gently.

You walked toward the table which had a candle burning brightly and two plates of pasta laid on it.

"I have been an ass" he muttered as you sat at the table. "I made sure that someone is taking your duties."

"Thank you Armitage" you murmured. He poured some wine and watched you happily.

"Your welcome" he said. He got out another bottle and called Millicent over and poured some liquid in her bowl.

"What is that?" you asked

"cat wine" he said. "I picked it up Coruscant"

"That's strangely cute" you said giggling.

"I am not cute Commander (y/n)" he said smirking.

You talked gently and ate the pasta and then a cake he brought out.

"I got you something" you suddenly said. "For valentines"

You got up and took the gift from its hiding place. It was a painting of his home planet Arkanis. It was small but very well painted. It was wrapped in brown paper.

You placed it on the table and Hux raised his eyebrows. Slowly he unwrapped it and stared at it.

"Do you like it? " you asked, worried.

"I love it (y/n)" he got up and immediately put it onto the wall. It was a type of 3d painting which was both flat and also moved like it was a window. He stared at it and you came up behind him, wrapping your hands around his waist and kissing his back. Armitage put his hands on yours and stroked your fingers. Millicent mewed from your feet and you picked him up and gave the ginger cat's head. Hux stroked Millicent's chin and took the cat in his arms. He pointed at the painting and the cat mewed. Placing the cat down he brought you into his arms and kissed you gently.

"I am sorry" he mumbled. "For being so hasty in the mornings"

"I understand your busy" you said.

"But I must spend more time with you" he muttered.

"I would love that" you murmured. "and I am glad you admitted your fault"

Hux smirked and took the empty plates to the sink and walked with you towards the bedroom. "we have our next shift together" he said. "twelve hours"

"Then let's have asleep" you murmured. "I love you Armitage."

"I love you too (y/n)" he said, stripping off and hugging you into him. "and I will try to me more open to you"

"That's all I wanted" you said with a smile.

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