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(Fan art above by moliko)

(Based before Legolas is born)

You woke on the day of love in the elvish calendar. You and Thranduil had been looking forward to it, not only was there feasting but there was dancing, celebration and time for you and Thranduil to spend time together without worry or pain.

You opened your eyes to see the sleeping form of Thranduil your husband under the covers. He looked so relaxed as he held the covers to himself, his hair splayed all around him. As much as you wanted to leave him, you knew celebrations were two hours away and he needed to be ready to start them.

You gently kissed Thranduil's head and rubbed his back with your hand. He moved and rolled over, revealing his toned chest and his eyes snapped open angrily but it softened when he saw you looking over him. "Good morning" he mumbled sleepily.

"Two hours until the feast starts" you said with a smile.

Thranduil got up from the bed and held out his hand. You took it and he twirled you around the room and kissed your lips. "What will you wear?" he asked. Thranduil let go of you and you went over to your wardrobe, digging out the clothes he had given you last year. "This one" you said with a smile.

"You will look divine in that" he said and got changed into his robes which swept around him. Looking at himself in the mirror he smiled and pushed his hair back and put on his crown. He turned to you and raised his eyebrows. "What do you think?" he asked. "Good enough for the king of The Woodland relm?"

"Yes" you said, taking his robes and kissing him gently. "Good enough for the whole of middle earth and of Valanor"

Thranduil gave a smirk and walked out of the room, holding the door for you. You followed him out and down to see the elves getting the feast ready, tables, plates and food was being carted around. The feast was always under the starlight and it was only known turning dark.

Thranduil turned to you and smiled. "You are wearing it" he said, he took the necklace you wore around your neck into his fingers.

"It shows our undying love" you said. "Seeing as it was the first thing you ever gave me, even before the rings."

Thraundil smiled and kissed the necklace gently and then your lips. The necklace was made of the gems of Lasgalen and shone bright as the stars which were forming outside. Thraundil took your arm and together you watched and commanded the last efforts for the feast. Food, wine and candles where being taken out into the forest to the clearing that was always used.

Soon the stars started to shine and you and Thraundil walked out of the gates of Fraitenhoom and towards the clearing. Bells and music played as you walked, hand in hand. The pathway had rose petals and soft grass, allowing you to walk barefoot with him to the clearing.

The clearing was beautifully made, hangings and ribbons hung from the trees. Campfires were set up and long tables which were decorated with flowers, candles, food and wine. With Thraundil you sat at the head of the table, yous hands still together. You watched as the elves got into their positions, some started to dance while others played instruments. Some took food and started to eat and others just watched the stars with their lovers.

You took some food onto your plate and watched as Thraundil did it himself. The food was heavenly and the wine was delicious.

As the feast went on you watched as more and more elves started dancing.

"My lord?" you asked.

"Yes my lady?" Thraundil asked.

"May I ask for a dance?" you asked.

Thraundil took your hand and laced his fingers in yours. "You may" he said, pulling you to the grassy glade. Together yous started to dance around the clearing, holding each other close. The music put you into a trance with him and slowly he kissed your lips. You kissed back, enjoying the way he whisked you around the dance floor while kissing you so sweetly.

Together you went around and around under the starts, your lips on Thraundils. His kisses were gentle yet passionate. You sighed into his lips as the music stopped and you looked at each other with love. "I have an idea" he suddenly said quietly. He took your hand and he pulled you into the forest. You kept up with him as he ran and ran until he finally stopped and you bumped into him. You stood in a small clearing, much smaller than the one you had just left. He laid down and you laid down next to him, holding hands as you watched the stars twinkle and wink down at the both of you.

"I wonder if the Gods look down on us" Thraundil mused.

"I think so" you said with a smile, squeezing his hand. "It's so quiet. You can hear the stars singing"

The both of you just sat and watched, falling into quietness. You grinned as a comet went past and you made a wish that you would be with Thraundil forever.

You laid for longer, just together in the dark  in the forest, hearing the leaves rustle and animals move in the undergrowth. It was so calm and beautiful.

The stars started to fade as the sun starting to rise. You saw now how green the trees and grass was. Thraundil rolled over on top of you and kissed you delicately. "Happy valentines my love" he whispered. "May the gods of Middle earth forever look over you"

"I love you my king" you murmured as he kissed you gently, taking your cheek and stroking your face. The kisses where long and passionate, your lips moving together in sink. You grabbed Thraundil's hair and ran your fingers through them, feeling his soft and long hair.

"Your love makes my heart soar" he said. "If you where to leave I don't know what I would do."

"I will never leave" you said. "I will always be with you my king"

"Good" he murmured and pulled you into another long and passionate kiss, his fingers touching your hips and stroking them with his long fingers.

"We should get back" you murmured. "They may be missing us"

"They maybe" he said and sighed. "Come on then, let us go back" he got up and pulled you up into him. He took your hand and together you walked through the quiet wood, you passed animals and plants, you're barefeat stepping on grass.

You got out of the wood into the clearing. It was empty with no evidence of there being a party. Together you walked toward Fraitenhoom slowly, hand in hand. Your fingers played with Thraundil's gently, enjoying his long fingers and the rings on them.

Getting to the gates you went into Fraitenhoom and went up to the bedroom. You sat on the side of the bed and watched Thraundil as he took his robes off and got into bed. Taking you clothes off you joined him as he pulled himself into your back and hugged you into him. He kissed your back and snuggled into it. "Have a good sleep precious" he mumbled.

"You too" you mumbled and fell asleep yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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