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"Nicole!" A voice called as the four friends arrived at Coutney's car

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"Nicole!" A voice called as the four friends arrived at Coutney's car.

They all turned around and saw Sam standing there, her arms wrapped around herself.

"Sammy? What happened?" Nicole wiggled out of Courtney's grip and walked over to her sister.

"Nothing, I...I just want to go home." Sam sighed, her voice breaking.

"That's where we're heading, so why don't you come with us."

"Thank you."

"Duh. You're my sister."

She kissed Sam on the head then wrapped an arm around her shoulders, walking her over to the car.

Courtney sat in the driver's seat, while Demetri was in the passengers seat. The other three teens sat in the back. Eli sat on one side of the car, Nicole was in the middle, then Sam was on the other side.

The ride was mostly silent. Sam rested her head against the window and Nicole slowly drifted off to sleep, her head was leaning onto Eli's shoulder. He sighed slowly and closed his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest.

After a while when both Nicole and Eli were sleeping, Courtney started a conversation with Demetri.

"Do you think he's upset that Mason kissed her?" Courtney whispered.

"He won't say it out loud, but deep down he's probably disappointed." Demetri answered, keeping his voice low.

Sam's eyes drifted over to her sister and her sister's best friend, then drifted up to the front seat and listened in on their conversation.

"I can't believe she still has feelings for that guy. I though it was a one time thing a few years ago." Demetri said.

"I don't think she does anymore, Deme, I think Mason does and she didn't know what to do when he kissed her, so she just let it happen." Courtney replied.

"Wait, wait, Nicole kissed Mason?" Sam spoke up.

Demetri looked back at her startled and Courtney's eyes went wide, but she didn't take them off of the road.

"It was nothing, really. I guess Nicole promised Mason a dance and finally when it came time, he kissed her and she kind of kissed back, but then regretted it." Courtney explained.

"Mason as in sixth grade Mason? Like lacrosse boy Mason?" Sam asked.

"Apparently. I mean, I don't know what anyone even sees in him. He's tall, skinny, and has dark hair. What's so special about that?"Demetri asked.

"You do realize you're also tall and skinny with dark hair?" Courtney raised her eyebrows.

"Sure, but he's an attractive male who's tall, skinny, and has dark hair." Demetri corrected himself.

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