Fun Town

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It's been a month. Since the threat and to say things are still very uneasy is an understatement. Aleast between my father and I it is anyway. We seem to both walk on eggshells around each other. But today fun town is here so everyone is excited! Everyone was getting ready to leave as I was impatiently sitting in the living room waiting for my father I was ready 10 minutes ago, I choose leggings and a long sleeve shirt with my black uggs leaving my long hair down. "Hurry up would ya?!" I yelled for the like 15th time "Jesus I am a girl and I don't even take this long!"I huffed annoyed. "Would you shut up and stop whining before I leave you here with Neeta. Let's go." My dad joked walking out finally "Finally!!" I shouted jumping off the couch rushing to the door making him and Neeta laugh.
-half way through the day at fun town
    The guys have been causing trouble as if they were the kids we were all walking behind my grandparents as we stopped in front of a couple with a girl my age. "Who is that?" I asked my dad curious "Oswelds" he told me I shrugged and walked up to the girl "hi, I'm Krysta. Wanna go on some rides with me?" I asked her as she smiled at me and looked at her mom "can I?" She asked her "I don't know Tristan." Her mother said to the girl who's name is Tristan, then my dad came forward "here they can have my tickets" my dad told her mother handing me and Tristan both more Tickets "that's not necessary." Her mother tried to argue "Its alright I got kicked off the rides for screaming too loud." He said winking at Tristan making me roll my eyes "he's not lying." I laughed as Tristan laughed with me. "Alright, say Thankyou. Text me after you guys are done." Her mother said told her. As Tristan thanked him lightly he waved her off "Kid stay outta trouble yea? Find one of the guys, ma or me when you guys are done got it?" My dad told me giving me a side hug I nodded as I hugged him back fast, walking off with Tristan "let's go!" I shrieked as I we took off running.  After about 2 hours of riding and food and such Tristan got a text from her mom telling her to go meet up at the Ferris wheel. "I should go Thankyou for hanging out with me!" Tristan said hugging me and then running off. I pulled my phone out to call my dad to see where they were but it was dead. I must have forgot to charge it. So now I'm alone in a crowded fair at night fantastic. I walked around for a bit trying to find anyone when I was grabbed "hey you lost young lady." It was the clown from the dunk tank my dad and the guys messed with "no I'm fine my dad is on his way." I lied "why don't I walk with you until he shows?" He asked me giving me a very uncomfortable feeling "no that's okay thanks." I told him and started to walk away again but I felt him still watching me so I started to run weaving in and out of people and buildings. I was grabbed again and turned around I got punched in the stomach hard. "You scream I'll kill you." It was the clown again as he hit me again a few times, I finally ripped my arm away from him and punched him hard in the jaw. And took off again ignoring the pain in my abdomen. Right as I turned around the side of another building I saw my dad and a few of the guys I paused for a minute before bolting to them. Tig saw me and turned my dad to see me just in time to bend down to catch me as I ran right into him. Shaking violently as I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his stomach "woah hey hey what's wrong. Kid your shaking what happened." I heard him ask me softly as he wrapped his arms around me when I didn't answer or move he tried to pull me off but I refused "kid if you insist on staying attached to me let me at least pick you up so I keep walking" he sighed abit frustrated not knowing what was wrong, as I let go just slightly he pushed me gently off enough for him crouch down so I put my arms around his neck as he lifted me off the ground putting his arms around me as I wrapped my legs around his torso having zero intentions of letting go of him any time soon I could care less what people think about me being carried around like a little child. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't. "Darlin you need to calm down. What happened? What are you running from? Where's Tristan?" He asked question after question all the while still trying to calm me down. I just started to cry ignoring his questions"I want to go home. Please. Daddy I don't want to be here anymore." I cried still not easing up shaking. "Okay. We will go." He told me as I heard my grandmother speak out of no where "oh thank god you have her. Tristan is missing." I heard her rush out in worry. "What? Krysta what happened, you gotta tell me so I can help." He asked me again softly still completely confused by what was going on "she left to find her mom I don't know what happened.." I cried more thinking of the clown. What if he got her instead. "Shit okay, mom can you take her home I'll call the guys." My dad said as he went to put me on the ground but I refused to let him go shaking my head no. "Babe I gotta help them find Tristan and call the guys. You're okay. Go with ma." He tried again but I refused again. "Jax she isn't gonna let go. She's terrified. Just take her home and figure out what happened, mean time I'll stay and help look." She told him sighing I felt her hand on my back for a minute before she wakes off. "Kiddo you gotta tell me what happened, I can't help if you don't." He asked again trying to figure out what happened but I was shut down. "Alright let's get home, just relax you're safe. I got you." He said giving up for now. Once we arrived home I finally let go as my father and I walked into the house but I hesitated at my door. My dad noticed and walked in ahead of me and sat on the bed. I walked in slowly. "Come here, tell me what happened." He told me holding out his arms again. I walked over to him and let him engulf me in a hug again. However I quickly pulled away when I felt the sharp pain in my stomach making a face. Causing my father to look me at worried I walked over to my mirror ignoring that he was sitting there watching me I lifted my shift up enough to see the clear as day huge black and blue bruise that covered majority of my lower abdomen and ribs I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "WHAT THE HELL?" My dad shouted in horror as he stood rather quickly turning me back to face him as he kneeled on the floor inspecting my whole abdomen "Jesus Christ. Who did this." He looked me in the eyes as I choked back a sob that was threatening to come out. "I don't know. I don't remember. I just remember running from someone. My phone was dead so I couldn't call anyone.. I knew someone was following me but I don't remember getting hurt.." I told him lying. "Jesus Christ. I'm gonna call Tara. She needs to see this. Make sure it's not serious. I'm calling the guys and Gemma. Get cleaned up okay. I'll be in the kitchen. I'm so sorry." He told me hugging me gently this time standing up he kissed my head and walked out. I walked back to my bed sitting down slowly. I hope Tristan is okay. So much for an easy fun day... it's never over.

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