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-back to Krysta pov
  I wanted to be angry and hate my father. But when he came to get me and take me home I broke. I missed him a lot and all the guys too. I missed home. I was angry but part of understood his side not that I would tell him that. I was still hurt beyond belief he would send me away like that. We were waiting for everyone to come over to my grandmas right now. She decided we needed a family dinner night to celebrate everything going back to 'normal' not that anything is ever normal around here. Tara and a few other old ladies and Cara cara girls were in the kitchen helping prep stuff while my father and I were in the living room waiting for the guys to show up. More so me impatiently pacing around glancing at the door every minute. "Kid they will be here soon. Relax" he laughed at me. I just rolled my eyes "it's been a week since I saw everyone, thanks to you, the only person I saw other then Wendy was Sack because you made him my babysitter. And tig for all of 5 minutes." I snapped looking at him annoyed he just rolled her eyes at me "excatly a week, you act like it's been a year. You have gone months at a time before." He stated like I was crazy "yea which was also not by choice." I snapped again alittle less angry though. Before he could reply we heard the bikes. Before anyone said anything I bolted outside. I tackled the first person I saw. "Woah uh hey there kid." I heard his awkward tone and felt him stiffen up automatically knowing it was Juice. "Hi!!" I said and then ran to the next person hugging them. "I take it you're back to being your normal self then." I heard the belly laugh as Bobby spoke. "Christ what happened to no more running off kid!" My dad groaned joining everyone. As they laughed at him. I was then lifted up and spun around "I missed your voice doll face!! It haven't been the same without my favorite little trouble maker!" Uncle tig laughed hugging me tightly. "Blame the devil over there!" I pouted pointing at my father making him roll his eyes "yeah yeah I'm a jerk cause I wanted you safe sue me." He mocked back at me. "Maybe I will!" I joked back before running to chibs as my father walks toward me threateningly  "quick hide me" I told chibs as he pushed me behind him. "Hand her over" dad said "who? No one is here but me Jackie boy." He laughed but then he quickly side stepped leaving me to fend alone. "Busted." I heard I was grabbed I let of a shriek "let me go!" I laughed as I was carried back into the house. I was placed back on the ground as we got back into the living room. "Alright everyone come sit! Dinner!" Grandma yelled out to everyone. I followed everyone else to the table taking a seat between Tara and my dad. Everyone began digging in right away. Grandma always made the best meals. After everyone ate and the ladies all cleaned up everyone was relaxing in the living room. I had gone to my room that my grandma never did anything to even after I moved back with my dad when Abel was born. I changed into black and red flannel pants and threw my dads hoodie on and went back out to the living room I leaned against the wall as the guys all were joking and laughing about who even knows what "hey kid come sit down. " I looked up ask my dad got my attention. "I'm okay." I said but I realized it wasn't really a suggestion. So I sighed softly and walked over and sat next to him. Curling up into a ball with my knees against my chest and my head on my knees arms around my leg. I was still angry with him. I didn't want to ruin the dinner though I tried to be civil. But now I'm tired and irritated again. "Hey. Krysta? Hello? You're thinking pretty hard what's up?" I looked up again to see a lot of the guys have left and it's only me my father and my grandparents now. "Where is everyone go? I asked softly confused I didn't realize I had zoned out that much "home. They left a little bit ago that all said goodbye. Where are you kid? Come back." He told with a slight hint of both amusement and concern. "Sorry I'm just tired I guess." I lied "Okay well why don't you head to bed. Might as well stay here tonight. Tara is at the hospital and Abel is asleep in the play pen no point in waking him just to have to put him back to sleep." He told me and I just nodded and got up to walk away. But was stopped. "Baby you aren't acting like you. What's wrong?" My grandma asked me taking my arm as I was walking by her making me stop in front of her. "Nothing I'm fine." I told her hugging her and then walking off as I heard them all whisper. Once I was in my room and In my bed I laid there wide awake staring at the ceiling. I love my family but I just feel so lost and hurt. "Alright, do you want to tell what's actually bothering you now? and don't just tell me nothing. You are a terrible liar." I heard him I sighed as I sat up to look at him. "Dad I'm just tired. In case you have forgotten I was thrown in exile this past week. I'm exhausted mentally and physically at this point. I just want to sleep." I told him rather irritated. "Exile that's what we're calling it now? Little dramatic don't ya think?" He laughed a-bit asking me I just rolled my eyes and laid back down. "Go away" I groaned "alright alright get some sleep." Hel gave in opening the door to leave but paused to look at me again "I love you kid." He told me for the millionth time "I know. I love you too. Now leave me alone." I laughed as he shut my door. Home sweet home I suppose.

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