Big Mistake

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  I don't remember ever falling asleep again but I woke up, and realized I was in my bed so I'm assuming my dad carried me here when I fell back to sleep after he got home. I got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain grey long sleeve taking the braid in my hair out I ran my hands thru it making it all curly. I walked out to the kitchen to find my dad sitting drinking coffee while Grandma was cooking over the stove. "Morning darlin." My dad said as he smiled at me. "Morning. Where's Tara?" I asked confused she wasn't here. "Hospital she had an early shift." Dad said glancing at grandma "how did you sleep baby.?" She asked me ignoring the Tara question placing a plate of food in front of my dad and one in front of the seat across from him motioning for me to sit. "Good. Thankyou for breakfast." I said to her. "You're welcome sweetheart." She smiled taking a seat next to me. We all sat in the quiet the tension was very obvious between my father and grandmother. "So uh, what's the plan today..?" I asked unsure how to start conversation between these two. "I have to go do club stuff. But the sitter will be here around 12, and Wendy asked if she come by and visit today  Im gonna try to be here for so it's up to you if you want to be here or not. But she did ask if you would consider being here. Not sure a time yet." My dad spoke up and was staring deeply at me waiting for some kind of reaction I'm assuming. "I decline. I'd rather play in traffic." I grumbled at the thought of seeing my so called mother. Grandma laughed beside me "I'm with her on that one." She told my father as he just sighed. "We never talked about yesterday seeing as you were sound asleep when I got home aside for the 2 minutes of you waking up long enough to turn my ole lady against me." He smirked knowing it was striking a cord with my grandmother "it was fun, made me miss Donna but it was nice." I admitted softly knowing the time bomb beside me was ready to go off. I stood up putting my plate in the sink. "Krysta sweetheart can you give your father and I a moment to talk privately." My grandmother asked but I knew it wasn't a question or an option. So I nodded and started to leave "no, she doesn't need to leave she can hear whatever it is you have to say mom." My father said stopping me in my tracks. I stood there frozen like a deer in headlights unsure what to do. "Fine, I think you are making a mistake getting back with that little whore! She broke your heart! And yet you are letting her right back in! You have two kids now to think about Jackson! You need to start using the right head to think things through! You let her mother these kids all day yesterday without even a second thought! You are smarter then this! Baby she's not good for this family. She doesn't belong here." My grandmother lectured my father and I honestly felt bad for him it's like she doesn't care that he's a grown man. I leaned against the wall and just watched as this all unfolded already tired of it. "Mom that isn't you choice! Who I get with is my decision and who I let around MY kids is up to me! Not you! Don't tell me that I need to be smart and think about them! It's all I think about! Tara isn't the issue! The club is! I'm working on getting us into a new direction, a safer ,legal direction. I want to be a good father and a better leader for the future of the club and MY family. It's all I think about mom. I love you and I know you want what you think is best. But this isn't your choice it's mine. I could have a real future with Tara this time. She's here to stay. I love her. You can't change that." He got heated half way through and raised his voice but at the end it was softer again. I heard enough though and I pushed off the wall and walked to the door running outside and down the street. "Krysta! Hey! Stop!" I heard my father yelling running after me. I just pushed myself to run faster but it was a failed attempt. He was faster and caught up to me without even trying I was whipped around as he grabbed my wrist and crouched down a bit he was searching my face for some kind of answer. "What the hell! Why did you take off like that!" He demanded confused "just let me go!" I try to get outta his grip "No! Stop! What's going on with you!" He raised his voice now. Meanwhile we were in the middle of the street and drawing a crowd. "Dad please just let me go. People are watching." I mumbled quietly looking at the ground as I stopped fighting him. He sighed and let go of one arm and started to walk to the house dragging me with me. Once we were in the house as he shut the door he pulled me to the living room. "What. The. Hell. Was. That.!" He demanded louder this time clearly furious. " I just didn't want to listen to you guys fighting anymore! It's always the same thing, and you always have to include me as a reason for why one is right and the other isn't. I shouldn't have to be a deciding fact in who is right and wrong." I shrugged and flopped myself onto the couch. "You don't just run out of the house like that!" He exclaimed very angry running his hand over his face. "Go get ready to leave. You coming with me to TM." He instructed me sighing again. But I didn't move right away "Krysta I wasn't asking." He said rather annoyed "Why are you letting Wendy see Abel? She had no right too." I asked out of no where "what do you mean. She's his mother and yours. She had a right to see you Both, just as much as I do anyway." He told me confused "she tried to kill us both, and for the millionth time do not refer to that bitch as my mother." I spat pissed on "watch the language, I'm tired of telling you that. She messed up. Doesn't make her a bad person. We have all made I mistakes. You gotta stop holding onto the hatred you have for her." He told me in a calmer voice probably to try to resolve this issue sooner the later " it just so happens one of those mistakes was me right? Aleast Abel was somewhat planned." I laughed and went to stand and walk to my room. "Hey! That's not fair! Just because you weren't planned doesn't make you a mistake! You and Abel are the best things that could have happened to me!" He yelled at me as I was still walking away but I quickly turned back around "Bullshit! I know everything! I know that you didn't want her to have me! You gave her money to 'take care of it' remember? She almost did too! But she got scared because of the possible complications that came with abortion! You only changed your mind because she didn't give you a choice! And Because your mother wouldn't let you put me up for adoption! That's the only reason I'm even standing here!" I yelled walking back into the living room. "What the hell are you talking about! None of that is true, who even told you that" He asked loudly but got quiet at the end. Before I could answer there was a knock at the door. Neither of us made a move toward the door but completely forgetting she was here Grandma walked out of the kitchen and opened it. "Hey, sorry I didn't text first my session for the afternoon was canceled so I came now." Wendy smiles stepping in but immediately frowned when she realized the tension "what's going on?" She asked confused "that's what I want to know. Krysta who the hell told you that?" My dad asked once again. "It doesn't matter." I answered quickly and walked off to my room as quick as possible. I locked the door, grabbed my earbuds and iPad and sat on the floor in front of my bed staring at my door. Within a few minutes there was a knock. "Open the door. We need to talk about this." Unsurprisingly It was my dad I just ignored him and turned my music up louder in hopes of drowning out everything around me and closed my eyes.

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