Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitor

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Before you start reading I want to thank @jasey_sk for making the new cover. Go follow her on Instagram she's amazing. Okay sorry you can start reading now☺️ Hope you like it.


It was............

Jonathan Margi. Now your probably thinking 'who the hell is Jonathan Margi?' Well I'll tell you! He was my bully in 7th grade. I mean straight out bully, not just verbally! Like punching me, kicking me, making everyone go against me even the vary few friends I had back than, plus more I won't mention. It got so bad I tried to kill myself many times. Until my family moved away and we went to a different state, California, and I though I would never see him again. (I lived in New York before) But, here he is right in front of me giving me a big grin that can only mean trouble.

Looking at him now I see everything I tried to put past me flash before my eyes. Stuttering I say, "J-Jonathan. W-what are you doing h-here?" My eyes are probably wide like a deer caught in highlights. Giving me his famous smirk he says innocently, "Hello stranger. This is my first day and I'm lost. I need to go to..." He looks down at his schedule and looks back up at me "Miss. Harrison? English. Could you please help me find it?" Seeing as we have the same class and the bell is about to ring I agree. "Sure, I have that class to so we can go together." Leading the way I start walking to Miss. Harrison's class.

I wonder why he isn't bulling me yet. he used to find every reason too. Maybe he forgot about me? Maybe that's why he isn't bulling me. Or maybe he has changed and doesn't bully anymore. Or maybe he's planning something? I'll just have to stay away from him. Which I don't think will be hard because the popular people will love him and I won't have to worry about him. Deciding to make small talk I say, "Why did you move?" Seeming startled I talked to him he jumps. Turning to look at me I can see depression in his eyes. "Nothing just wanted a change of scenery." I know he's lying the minute he says it but I keep my mouth shut. I wonder what happened? Maybe all my predictions are wrong. Maybe he is a broken person that needs saving but no one is there to catch him. Suddenly seeing him in a different lime light I want to help him. make him smile maybe.

Breaking out of thought I realize that we are in front of Miss. Harrison's door. "Oh, we're here. Um yeah let's get inside, the bell is about to ring. As if on cue the bell rings. We into the classroom and I go straight for my desk and sit. Jake looks over at me and give me a face as if saying 'who is that?' To me. I give him the I'll explain later face and look to the front were Miss. Harrison is having Jonathan tell his name and some things about himself. "Um , my name is Jonathan Margi. I am from New York and I'm a senior." He looks at her expecting her to tell him where to sit.

"Right, Mr. Margi you can sit next to Miss. Smallwood in the back." She then starts her lesson of the day. But, all I can think about is the two boys besides me. One of them bullied me when I was younger and now seems to not know who I am. And the other, a charming bad boy from London, whom I can not stop thinking about at lately. He is just so nice to me and talks to me when no one else does. I bet he is only doing it because he feels bad and that as soon as that goes away he will leave me like everyone else in my life. Maybe not as dramatic as death like my parents but still the same. Good things never last for me unfortunately.But, while he is talking to me I'm going to take advantage of it and with Mike gone for a while I don't have to worry about him at the moment. Just let all my physical bruises go away. I know it won't be happily ever after but I can pretend it is.

"Miss. Smallwood! Since you don't want to pay attention in my class why don't you tell us what you have written. This essay is due 15% of your grade. So come up here and read the first paragraph to the class." I get up knowing not to argue with anyone I get up and go to the front of the class. Looking around I get nervous. I'm good at English but I don't like reading my work in front of people. Taking a deep breath I start,

"Have you ever been bullied and abused? Many people have. Best friends, sisters, brothers, ect. But do you notice? If someone your close to is cutting, do you notice the scars or are you so obvious and don't notice? What if they are bullied? What if they are abused? All you need to do is look in front of you and open your eyes. Look into their eyes and look into their soul. Their soul tells the truth that a fake face or smile can hide. Being bullied and abused is never fun. Nobody wants to feel like they are useless. All they need is someone there for them to know that someone cares. Noticing and supporting is all these broken people need. Yes, they may deny it at first but in the end they need love and affection like the next person. If you take notice you can save someone's life. Don't take no for an answer keep fighting for them. Eventually, they will come around they just need to know your not going away."

After I finish my paragraph everyone is silent. They are all staring at me with shock, like they weren't expecting the shy, lonely girl to have so many words I guess. taken back Miss. Harrison is speechless for a couple seconds. "Right, thank you Miss. Smallwood you may sit down now." Just as I sat down the bell rang. "Goodbye class see you tomorrow! "Miss. Harrison dismisses the class. With pretty much everyone running out only 8 people remain sitting. Jake turns to me and ask the question I know he's been dying to ask, but I've been dreading. "Who was that? And why did you look so terrified?" The look in his face is concern and curious. Should I tell him? Can I trust him enough?

Maybe in the near future I'll tell them my whole story but I don't think I'm ready right now. It's not about trusting him and his friends and their girlfriends. Because, I do not doubt they would be there if I needed help or to tell my story but I just am not ready yet. "Um, well I- I it's a long story so maybe I'll tell it in the near future but I'm not ready to tell yet." I mean how can you tell someone you were bullied at such a young age and wanted to kill yourself? Even I don't want his pity. I don't want pity! Another reason not to tell. With that all 9 of us get up and leave the classroom with it silent except maybe the occasional conversation. We separate and go to our next classes. Not having any classes with any of the guys until lunch I tell them bye and go to second period.

What seems like years later, which was only like 2 and a half hours, it was finally lunch time. Meeting up with the guys and girls at lunch we combine 3 tables together to get all of us to fit. The sitting went, starting from the right to left is Me and Jake, Reece and Charlotte, Deanna and Barclay, and the last couple on this side is Casey and Kenzie. In front of me is Abbie and Charlie, James and Robyn, Abbie and Tom, than lastly is Chris and Stephanie. lets just say our table takes up a lot of room! The table was silent for a while except for privet conversations until finally Charlie's Abbie spoke up. "So Elizabeth, how long have you been at this school?" She looked generally curious. "I've been here in this town since middle school." I say looking down at the food in front of me. "Where did you live before here?" So many questions. I'm not used to being asked questions.

"Um New York. what about you guys why did you come here all the way from England? This is very far from home." I question her to get the attention off of me. Instead of Charlotte answering it was Robyn, James's girlfriend who answered the question. "We didn't actually move here we are just transfers. And we transferred because well why not? I mean come on who wouldn't want to go to a whole new country?" Everyone else agrees with her. "Plus, if we stayed back who is going to keep an eye out on these 8 idiotic boys?" Deanna jokes. I could get used to these girls and guys I could get used to having friends. Looking around the table I know every single one of them is loyal. But how long is this going to last?

**Authors Note**
Heya lovelies! Sorry it look so long to update! I had no idea how to end it😁 Oh and the guy on the side is Jonathan who is played by Tyler Posey. But anyway I hope you liked it. If you did vote or whatever and if you want to or if you think I should change something comment. Everything is appreciated and I'll defiantly take it into consideration.

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