Chapter Forty Two: Midnight

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Trees' shadows behind the window seemed full of terrors as Hailie was staring through the glass. The branches were bending under the force of the wind, looking as if they were putting up a fight. But no matter how hard they were trying, they didn't stand a chance against the wind's strength. That's how Hailie felt, while standing right next to the window in Shane's apartment. She couldn't sleep due to the truth she learned. Was there nobody she could trust? Were the demons actually the only ones to be honest?

Once again, she was haunted by the nightmares and scary images, ruling in her head without her permission. She was feeling so lonely and scared, not able to get back to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Jayson, Amy and Declan and every time she opened eyes, she saw the shadows dancing on the floor and walls. It was as if she was trapped, waiting for the sun to come up and chase away the darkness.

She took a deep breath, looking at Shane's door. They haven't talked a lot since she came back. She wasn't in a mood to reveal how broken it made her feel, how terrified again. The only thing Shane learned was the obvious truth about Debra's connection with Declan and her lies at the police station. But there was nothing they could do with that. Even if Debra lied, they can't prove it, because the only person who could tell them something was dead.

With loneliness taking over her heart, she did a bold step. Her feet took her in front of the door to Shane's bedroom and her hand rose in the air. Without overthinking her actions, Hailie knocked on his door, knowing that he wasn't asleep. There was a slight light coming from under the door. She heard as he suddenly stood up and almost a minute later, he opened up the door, surprised to see Hailie.

"You're not sleeping?"

"I can't."

Shane stepped aside, not sure if she wanted to get in or just talk at the door, or maybe sit at the couch? After a moment of hesitation, Hailie walked into his bedroom, looking around. It was as clean as the rest of his apartment, so elegant and well-kept.

"Something's troubling you? It's Debra, isn't it?"

His bed was made, so whatever he was doing until midnight, it wasn't sleeping.

"It's not only about her." She sat at the soft bed mattress. "It's about everything that's going on."

Shane closed the door to his bedroom. It was just a habit. He preferred to keep them closed. 

"Then tell me, Hailie," he softly asked, sitting beside her.

She looked into his worried, green eyes. At least he was honest with her. She could trust him. She could confess all her secrets and problems.

"I don't care about Debra. The bond between us didn't exist. From the beginning I wasn't exactly friendly towards her, not eager to make out of her my new bestie. She's going to leave my house and that's enough for me. Not seeing her ever again, except on campus, but we can ignore each other, as I hope it will be."

Shane frowned.

"Aren't you furious that she lied at the police station? Debra paid someone to beat you. That's-"

"Something what happened. I can't... There's nothing I can do. The man who did this is dead. In my opinion that's too high of a punishment." But that's how demons are dealing with problems. "I'm not scared of Debra. What can she really do, now that I know how manipulative and untruthful she is?"

There was nothing Hailie could do, but Shane hoped he'd find a way to punish everybody, who has ever hurt Hailie. As a policeman he was the servant of justice. He couldn't let it slide away. Debra gave a false confession, moreover she organized an assault.

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