Chapter 4

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It was the next day and we were on our way to the prisons and Eve was yelling at her brother, "You told me you found it on a dig down in Thebes!"

Jonathan sighed and said, "I was mistaken."

Eve scoffed and said, "You lied to me!"

I snorted and said, "He lies to everyone Eve."

Jonathan then said, "What makes you so special?"

Eve looks scandalized and said, "I am your sister!"

Jonathan shrugs and said, "That just makes you more gullible."

Luna pipes up with, "How did you get it?"

Jonathan looks uncomfortable and says, "I stole it from a drunkard at the Casbah." He then looked proud of himself and added, "Picked his pocket actually."

When we get there, the Warden greets us. He was a fat man, with rotten teeth and smelled worse than dragon shit.

Eve asks him, "And what is he in prison for?"

The warden looked confused and said, "I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself."

Eve looked intrigued and said, "And what did he say?"

The warden smiled, his rotted teeth making him look even worse, "He said... he was just looking for a good time."

I laughed and so did Luna. Eve and Jonathan looked at us like we were crazy, and soon the guards brought out a filthy man. I nudged Luna and she smirked. It was the same man we helped!

Evelyn did not look impressed and said, "But he's just a filthy criminal?"

Jonathan cringes and said, "Way to go Evy."

The man gives her a once over, then looks at the rest of us and says, "So, who're the broads?"

I snorted, Luna smiled, and Eve looked upset, "Broads?!"

Jonathan shakes his head, "This is my sister actually, and these are her friends."

The man looks us over again and says, "Yeah? Well... I'm sure they're not a total loss."

The warden then heads out the door, while Eve is silently fuming, and says, "I'll be back in a moment."

The man mumbles with sarcasm, "I tremble with anticipation..." Then the guards then club him over the head, causing his face to hit the metal bars. He hisses, but otherwise doesn't complain.

Evelyn says, "We uh... found... your puzzle box, and we've come to ask you about it."

The man smirks and says, "No."

Evelyn looks stunned and says, "No?"

The man keeps his smirk and says, "No... You came to ask me about Hamunaptra."

Eve and Jonathan look around to make sure no one else heard and Eve tries to be coy, "How do you know about Hamunaptra?"

The man huffs and said, "Because that's where I found it. I was there."

Eve looks shocked, but then Jonathan steps forward and said, "How do we know that's not a load if pig swallow?"

The man looked at Jonathan for a moment and says, "Hey... do I know you?"

Jonathan looks scared now and says, "Um, well, you see..."

Suddenly, the man's fist shot out and hits him straight in the nose. Jonathan crumples to the floor, out cold, and I laugh, "Finally!"

The man gave me a smirk and Evelyn delicately stepped over her brother and said, "You were actually at Hamunaptra?"

The man looked a bit shocked and said flatly, "I just decked your brother."

Evelyn shrugs, and the man looked more intrigued, "I know my brother."

The man smiles in appreciation, then says, "Yeah. I was there."

Eve narrows her eyes and says, "You swear?"

The man smirked and said, "Every damn day."

I snorted, and Eve looked flustered, "No, I mean..."

The man rolls his eyes and says, "I know what you mean. I was there, alright? Seti's place. City of the dead."

Eve looked eager and asked, "What did you find? What did you see?"

The man suddenly looked serious and said, "I found sand. I saw death."

We all see the warden come back in and Eve leans in closer to the man, while hiding her face behind her large sunhat, "Could you tell me how to get there? I mean... the exact location?"

The man leans closer to the bars and says lowly, "You want to know?"

Eve leans in closer and nods, "Yes."

The man leans even closer and says, "You really want to know?

Evelynn is getting more excited and leans in even closer, almost touching him, "Yes."

The man leaned in closer and kissed her full on the mouth and said, "Then get me the hell out of here."

Evelynne and I are stunned he did that, while Luna's laugh is tinkling. The guards club him again and he's yelling, "Do it lady!"

Eve looks upset and says to the warden, "Where are they taking him?"

The warden shrugged and said, "To be hanged." Eve is shocked by this news, and the warden smiles, showing off his rotten teeth again and said, "Apparently, he had a very good time."

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