Chapter 18

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I watched as Rick leaps over, and with one last swing of the sword, frees Evelyn from her chains. More Priest-mummies attack, forcing him away. Evelyn jumps off the altar and starts to head for Rick when a skeletal hand grabs her! She spins her around and gasps as she sees who has her, It's Anck-su-namun's rotted corpse.

Imhotep looks up at Anubis, points to Rick, and in Ancient Egyptian commands him to attack. Anubis moves for Rick, stomping over mausoleums and through the detritus moat on his way.

Rick quickly backs away yelling, "Do something, Jonathan, kill him!"

Jonathan just looked incredulous and said, "You've got to be joking?!"

As Eve is backing away from Anck-su-namun she yells, "Finish the inscription on the cover, idiot!"

Jonathan looks back down at the book and says, "Oh."

I move to get closer to Eve. I don't like how close that mummy is, and it was a good thing I did. Anck-su-namun attacks Evelyn, and I quickly use a protego on her. Evelyn, not knowing about my magic, fends her off as best she can.

Jonathan quickly looks back at the hieroglyphs on the book cover, fumbling badly under the pressure, "Ummm, Hootash im... Hootash im now what is this last symbol here?"

Evelyn, still running from Anck-su-namun, yells, "What does it look like?" Anck-su-namun has Eve pinned to a wall, but thanks to my spell, she hasn't touched her yet.

The statue of Anubis corners Rick and reaches down and grabs him with it's massive talons. Rick hacks away at it, desperate to get to Eve.

Jonathan stares at the inscription, slightly oblivious, "It's an Anck symbol, with two little squiggly lines above it, and a bird, a stork! on either side."

Eve looks frantic when she yells, "Ah! Ah! Ahmenophus!"

Jonathan looks at it and mumbles, "Oh yes... I see it now."

Seeing that my magic is keeping Eve alive, I get close to Imhotep and whisper, "You can stop all this, you know."

I could see him stiffen, and he grits his teeth, "I will be with my love, and together we will rule, as it is meant to be."

I just sighed and said, "Then I am sorry..."

He turned around to try and see me, fear in his eyes, but I had moved, and he just started at empty space.

Jonathan finally yells, "Hootash im Ahmenophus!"

The giant statue of Anubis instantly freezes in it's tracks and petrifies. It's off balance and starts to fall. Rick slides free of its talons just in time.

Evelyn shoves Anck-su-namun away, my shield propelling her further than she would have originally. Anck-su-namun looks up and opens her fetid mouth to scream just as Anubis smashes down on top of her, smashing her to powder and driving her into the ground.

Imhotep yells in rage and horror, then turns and angrily heads for Jonathan, murder in his eyes.

Jonathan, sitting on his ass, quickly backpedals on his hands and heels, terrified.

Rick, now free of the statue leaps to his feet, sword in hand and runs for Imhotep. Imhotep grabs Jonathan, lifts him up, rips the golden Book Of The Living out of his hand and pins him to a wall.

I was about to cast another protego, but I see Rick runs up and swings his sword at Imhotep, slicing Imhotep's right arm off. I turn away, my heart hurting. I didn't know why I was feeling like this, but I didn't like it. I hear it drop to the ground, still clutching The Book Of The Living.

I turn back around when I hear more shuffling and grunting. Imhotep has dropped Jonathan and spun around to face Rick.

Rick is just grinning like a mad man, "Okay pal, let's see how tough you are without your right arm."

Imhotep smirks, and grabs Rick with his left arm and throws him halfway across the cemetery. I quickly cast a soft-landing charm just as Rick slams into a gravestone, causing him to bounce off and crash to the ground.

He looks down at himself, then the gravestone in contemplation, but shakes it off, "Alright... so he's left-handed."

Imhotep is now more furious and is already striding towards him.

Jonathan lifts up his hand, and proudly shows Eve he has the key back! He smiles at Evelyn, and she beams back at him, "I got it!"

Evelyn runs for Jonathan, knowing that she had to help read from the book.

Rick swings his sword and cleaves a big chunk of molten flesh rot out of Imhotep's stomach. I was surprised. I did not know that on the outside he looked human, but on the inside he is still a rotten old mummy.

Imhotep backhands Rick, knocking him twenty feet back. I again, cast the soft-landing charm. Rick, looking around in wonder, staggers to his feet.

Imhotep came right back up and (before he can make contact I cast another protego) clubs him hard with his left arm. Rick spins through the air, and with my magic, slowly lands next the side of a mausoleum.

Imhotep looks around for me, knowing it was I who was helping, and approaches Rick with rage in his eyes. Rick gets up, quickly pivots and hacks into Imhotep's head. Imhotep dodges, and grins maliciously, then punches Rick in the face.

Since my protego was still working, Rick is only thrown back slightly, pulling his sword with him.

Jonathan lifts up the heavy gold book the has Imhotep's severed hand still clinging to it. Jonathan cringes in disgust. Evelyn yanks it off, throws it away, then start furiously working the key into the series of locks, unlocking each of them.

Imhotep strides forward. Rick backs up into the mausoleum, swinging the sword. Imhotep tries to catch it, but it cleaves through his palm and deeply imbeds itself into his forearm. Imhotep just shakes it off and rips the sword away from Rick and casually flings it away.

The golden Book Of The Living opens with a hiss and Jonathan holds it tight as Evelyn quickly turns the heavy gold pages looking for something.

Rick turns to run, but Imhotep grabs him by the throat and lifts him off his feet. I cannot do anything anymore. I felt death put his hand on my shoulder in comfort and it hissed waaait.

Rick hangs there, a dazed mess. Imhotep grins wickedly, says something in Ancient Egyptian, then starts to strangle Rick. Rick chokes, about to die.

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