Chapter 14

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When we got to the Curators office, he looked surprised to see Luna and I. I smirked and said, "Good to see you too."

His shock turned into a smile and said, "Likewise Miss Potter." He then turns to Ardeth and and said, "What happened?"

Ardeth told him what happened, and he looked grim, "We must find a way to defeat him. If he fully re-generates..."

I hummed and said, "Well. He called Eve Anck-su-namun and me Ooh-saht."

They looked at me with shock and I said, "I know right? I'm definitely not as pretty as a goddess."

Luna laughed and the Curator looked green. Ardeth then said, "Maybe he could sense your magic."

Luna chimed in dreamily, "It is very potent."

I sighed, "Yeah. I could feel his too. He didn't even try to argue with me, or hurt me. Just answered my questions in a civil manner."

Ardeth looked shocked and said, "That is... concerning."

I shrugged and said, "I don't know... I know he's a supposed super evil guy who's doomed to plague the land but... I didn't honestly get any evil feels off this guy. Just desperation, you know?" I looked at Luna and said, "Nothing Like Voldemort."

Ardeth looked confused, "Who?"

Luna said, "The last He-who-Shall-Not-Be-Named."

The curator looked shocked and said, "You have defeated something similar?"

I huffed and said, "Yeah, I suppose. Bastard wouldn't die. I had to kill him seven times." Their eyes were bugged out and I said, "Crazy right?"

The Curator shook off that comment and said, "Do you know how to defeat him this time around?"

I hummed and said, "Well... Evy brought him back using the Book of the Dead... right?" At their nods I continued, "Eve mentioned another book... what was it?" I thought a moment and said, "Well. It'll come back to me. We should warn Eve and Rick."

Luna then said, "They'll come to us." She then took Ardeth's hand and gave him a sly smile, "Let's go rest."

I almost laughed as his serious look turned into eagerness and adoration. I looked at the Curator and he shook his head, "I've never seen him so happy, nor Miss Luna."

I smiled and said, "Yeah. They're meant to be. Isn't life wonderful?"

We woke up the next morning and started pouring over books on information on Hamunaptra. We did for several days, before We heard a commotion by the front door.

Eve, Rick, Jonathan and one of the Americans burst through the door. When Eve saw us she said, "You're alive?!"

I laughed and said, "That I am."

Rick smiled and then looked behind us. His smile dropped and he yelled, "You?!"

I turned to see Luna and Ardeth standing with the Curator. Ardeth nodded and said, "We came to look for information on how to stop the creature."

Eve nodded and said, "Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned The Book Of The Dead."

Rick interrupted, "The book we found at Hamunaptra?"

She nodded and said, "Yes. I dismissed it, because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe."

I gasped, "That's it!" Everyone looked at me and I said, "I knew I remembered reading it with you! I just couldn't' remember where!"

The Curator joins Evelyn and I at our side as we head up the stairs, everyone else in hot pursuit, saying, "The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. Only at the moment of Anck-su-namun's resurrection will he be truly invincible."

We finally reach the display cases and we immediately began reading. Evelyn says distractedly, "I'm thinking that if the black Book Of The Dead can bring people back to life –"

The Curator smiles and says, "Then perhaps, the golden Book Of The Living can return Imhotep to the underworld."

Eve beams and says, "Exactly."

I hummed, going through the hieroglyphs saying, "If we can read from the book, we could most likely send him back... or something similar."

The Curator said, "Correct, and that's when—"

We suddenly hear loud chanting coming from outside. They all rush over to the upper windows and look down while Eve and I still read on.

Ardeth sounded ominous, "It has begun. The beginning of the end."

Luna holds his hand and says in a far away voice, "He will welcome death, like an old friend."

I turned from her and hid my grimace. He was so similar, this Imhotep and I.

Eve pipes up and says with determination, "Not quite yet it hasn't." A few moments later she yells, "Got it!"

We could now hear banging on the doors and the windows are shattering. Eve talks while she's translating the tablet, "Since the black Book of The Dead was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this, the golden Book of The Living should be inside..."

Rick looks eager and says, "What?"

The Jonathan says, "What Evy?"

The American looks desperate, "Come on lady!"

Evy looks at Luna with new eyes and says, "The golden Book Of The Living, is inside the statue of Horus."

Rick and Jonathan now look at Luna with shock, and I snorted, "Never bet against my Luna."

She just smiled.

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