Chapter 19

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Evelyn turns and faces Imhotep and reads an inscription, "Kadeesh mal! Kadeesh mal! Pared oos! PARED OOS!!"

Imhotep pivots and looks at Evelyn, a look of sheer terror on his face. Then he looks over at the detritus bog, which starts to bubble and shift. The swirling hole begins to open and then suddenly the spirits of the Egyptian gods waft out of the black bog and swirl around the Priest-mummies.

The mummies all collapse and turn to dust. And then the spirits attack Imhotep, lifting him and Rick up into the air.

Imhotep lets go of Rick in his terror, who falls to the ground.

Evelyn and Jonathan fearfully stumble away from the spirits. Jonathan trips and falls and accidentally throws The Book of The Living into the detritus bog. Evelyn watches as the golden book sinks into the black putrescence in shock and sadness. Jonathan looks like he's about to cry.

Ten feet off the ground, the spirits swirl around Imhotep's body, twisting it and turning it, and slowly shriveling.

The same strange flashing light from when Anck-su-namun was cursed beamed one last huge flash, accompanied by a blast of wind, and Imhotep is spit out and thrown to the floor. He staggers to his feet, looking perfectly normal. His body is completely intact.

Rick swings his sword. Imhotep jerks back. The sword scrapes Imhotep's chest and a swath of blood appears across Imhotep's chest where the sword hit him. Imhotep touches the blood on his chest, amazed and horrified.

Eve looks proud of herself and says strongly, "He's mortal."

Rick looks at Eve, then back at Imhotep with eagerness. He runs Imhotep through with the sword and shoves him backwards.

Imhotep stumbles back, clutching his would. It was then I made myself visible, making everyone surprised. I went to Imhotep and held him up. He looked into my eyes and said brokenly, "I only wanted my... my love."

I gave him a sad smile and said, "I know..."

He coughs up blood and slurs, "I... am going to die again..."

I gently traced his face and said, with Death over my shoulder, "It's all right now, Imhotep. Sleep now..."

He gives me a small smile, then shoves himself off me and falls into the detritus bog.

Evelyn and Jonathan run up next to Rick. We all watch as Imhotep gently sinks into the fetid swamp, slowly dying. And then, just before his head goes under, Imhotep looks up at them, grins broadly, and says something in ancient Egyptian.

Eve translates and says, "Death... is only the beginning."

Imhotep's grinning face vanishes under the black bile.

Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan and I look around we felt a huge shift. All the walls were starting to descend. Rick grabs Evelyn's hand and yells, "Come one!"

Eve rips her hand out and turns to me, "Can you get us out of here?"

I smiled at her and said, "Do you trust me?"

She beams at me, "Always."

I took her and said, "Rick, hold Eve's hand, John, hold my other hand. This will not feel pleasant. And whatever you do, don't let go."

They were giving me confused looks, but complied anyway, and with a pop, we were above the ruins, near the gate.

In synch, they all turned and heaved. I sighed and said, "I apologize. It's much more pleasant when you're the one doing it. The tag-alongs tend to have a more adverse reaction."

They kept gagging for a moment and then I held out a potion, "Drink this. You'll feel better. Like the last time, one sip per person please."

No one even argued this time, and soon, we were all watching as the famed Hamunaptra caved in on itself.

It was quiet for a few moments when Rick turned to me, "What was that?"

I was about to respond when Eve laughs and says in pure glee, "Magic!"

Rick just gives her a flat look, and soon I was laughing and said, "No, no. She's right. It was magic. How did you think all those landings felt so soft, Rick?"

His eyes widened and he said, "You were there?"

I nodded, and Jonathan looked upset, "And you couldn't have helped?"

I looked down and said, "I was warned not to interfere... too much. It's why none of you were seriously injured..."

Eve came over and hugged me, "Well. I for one am glad you were there." She then let me go and said sadly, "What you and Imhotep talked about before he passed..."

Rick looked confused and said, "What? What did they say?"

I just looked at Eve with pleading eyes, and she gave me a soft smile, "Don't worry about it."

Jonathan huffs and looks at the stray camels, "Well... I guess we go home empty handed... again."

I see Rick and Eve look at each other and Rick grabs her close and says, "I wouldn't say that." And then he kisses her. Jonathan just rolls his eyes, snorts in disgust and climbs up onto a camel.

When the kiss is over, Rick and Evelyn share a smile, then Rick leaps up into the saddle, reaches down and grabs Evelyn's hand and pulls her up behind him. Evelyn wraps her arms around his waist.

I saw that they were going to leave and said, "Are you sure you don't want me to magic us there?"

Rick looked a little green and the thought and Jonathan's face was white, "No, no! We're good. Might do us good to have a bit of sun."

I just laughed and got on my own camel.

Rick and Jonathan slap the reins and say together, "Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!!"

I look at my friends and smile, hoping that everyone stays happy.

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