part six

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                *Athenas POV*

           *beep* *beep* *beep*

          My alarm went off. I groaned and silenced it. I went to roll over when I realized something was laying on me. I then realized that Ace and Sage came over last night. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting because of the light. When I fully got my eyes open I saw Sage laying across my whole body. I lightly laughed, I'm still trying to decide if I want to be his nanny. If it weren't for Ace I would have accepted the first time I got the question.

         I stayed in that position so Sage could sleep a little more. I need to get up soon I have to go to work, I quite enjoy work. I like working at the bakery, but it doesn't pay enough. And speaking about jobs I need to check all the applications, I got. I lifted Sage from my torso and placed him beside me. I grabbed my laptop from my nightstand and began checking applications.

        And no response. I'm kinda bummed, I am just that much closer to working for a mafia leader, great. I looked over at Sage, should I do this? I asked myself. I mean violet did make a point, I would be protected, but that only goes so far. I think I'm still going to do it though, because of Sage. He deserves someone other than his father who he can talk to when he's older. And grow up with someone who he can trust, and will care for him. Not that Ace doesn't do that, it's just he's always busy with work and stuff.

          But now the question is when should I tell Ace I accept the offer. I feel like accepting it now would be too quick, but Sage can't even go an hour away from me. I feel accepting it later would be a pain in the ass for everyone. You know what I'll tell him tomorrow. It also gives me an extra day to make sure this is what I want.

          I remembered having to go to work. I slowly got off of my bed, walking to the closet, grabbing my clothes for the day. Once I got everything I needed, I walked into my bathroom, putting them down, I began to wash my face, and brush my teeth. I began doing my hair and change. Once I was finished I walked out of the bathroom, ready to make breakfast. I looked over at Sage and saw he was still asleep. I walked out of my bedroom, to find Ace still asleep as well. I quietly walked past him. Into the kitchen.

I opened the Fridge getting out, eggs, sausage, and some bread, I began whisking together the eggs, and putting some seasoning in them. I grabbed a pan, and put some butter in it and put it on the stove. Once it heated up and poured my eggs on it. I got a spatula and began cooking them. I did the same with the sausage. I then put the bread in the toaster. Once I had finished I had two plates of eggs, sausage, and toast, I also had a smaller plate for Sage with smaller pieces. I set them on the dining table and went back to the kitchen to grab Sages baby bag. Once I got the bag. 

         I walked back into my room, to wake Sage up and change his diaper. I began softly shaking him. "Good morning Sage," I said shaking him. He began to move, he eventually sat up, I picked him up and laid him down on the edge of the bed. I began looking through the baby bag for a change of clothes and a diaper. Once I found what I need I undressed him and changed his diaper. I then changed his clothes and finger-combed his hair. Once he looked okay I brought him out of my room and placed him on the floor, so he could crawl around a little. I then walked back to the kitchen to wash my hands.

         I finished getting myself and Sage ready and now I needed to wake Ace up. I walked over to the couch, he looked so peaceful when he slept. He's handsome, my thoughts began to go crazy. I shook those off quickly. He's a mafia leader, I can't be thinking like this. I shook him slightly, he just groaned and dug his face into my pillow deeper. "Ace wakes up," I said whispering, I still have to respect that he is waking up. I wouldn't want anyone to yell at me when I just wake up. "No." He said, but it was muffled by the pillow. "Come on, I made breakfast, and I have to leave soon," I replied. He just groaned and continued sleeping. I began to shake him more violently. "Stop." He said angrily.

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