part eighteen

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AN: cried while writing this.

         *20 years later*

               *Athenas POV*

            "Mom" Sage groaned out. "What it's a big day," I said giving him another kiss on the check. "BE NICE TO YOUR MOTHER." Ace yelled from the living room. I just laughed and walked back over to the stove where I was making my famous pasta. It's Sage's birthday today. He moved out a year ago, but he always comes back home every once and a while. I felt two hands wrap around my waist, my nose was immediately invaded by Aces cologne. "Hello, beautiful." He whispered into my ear. Still to this day my heart skips a beat when he's around.

          "Ew, they're at it again." I heard our daughter Juliet whisper. Yes, Ace and I went on to have four more kids. Five in total. "Let's leave." I heard Sage whisper before we heard their footsteps get quieter and quieter until we couldn't hear them anymore. I looked up at Ace and it was like falling in love all over again.

        He bent down and kissed me again. My heart was going crazy. I swear that feeling never gets old. I depend on the kiss when we heard a scoff behind us. I pulled away and turned around to be met with our third oldest, Oliver. "Mom, dad please stop." He said annoyed. "How do you think you were made?" I questioned jokingly and continued mixing the pasta. Ace still had his hands wrapped around my waist. "This is adult time, stop interrupting us." Ace said in a stern voice. "Sorry I don't want another sibling," Oliver said in an annoyed tone.

          "Watch the attitude." I reminded him. Just as I said that the two youngest came walking in. My twin girls. "Please don't tell me they were at it again," Aurora asked her brother Oliver. "Don't even get me started." He replied with a face full of disgust. The girls just groaned. "Were right here." Ace replied looking at all three of them. "Now you know how we feel." daisy whispered.

          I couldn't hold my laugh in anymore. Soon Ace joined me. I swear every single one of our kids acts like Ace. Sage looks like a replica of Ace. The only kid who looks like me is Oliver. He had my brown eyes and brown hair, other than him the rest look like their father. I'm not complaining though. I had kids with the man I love most. In my eyes, I have the most beautiful family ever. It's all I could ever ask for.

          "Wait, are you making pasta?" Daisy asked. "Yes, I am." I turned around and smiled at them. I heard a bunch of yeses go around the room. Everyone in the family loves to eat. Especially Sage. He could clear out a grocery store if he wanted to. Still to this day he sleeps way more than the average person.

         As far as his biological mother goes, I heard that she's too old for sugar daddies, so now she lives in a small apartment. It's a miracle that she didn't get pregnant again. With all the men she's been with, she could have a small army by now. Sage knows about her. He tried to get into contact with Britney, but she just called him a mistake and hung the phone up.

            And who was there to pick him up? Me. Britney doesn't deserve such an amazing kid. On a better note, Sage has taken over the mafia leaving Ace to retire. Juliet and Sage have moved out. Juliet looks just like her father with green eyes and dark brown hair, she acts like him the most too. She has a house not too far from here. She works as the second in command in the mafia alongside her older brother. They always got along the best.

       They kept us on our toes constantly with the shit they pulled as kids. Oliver looks like me on the other hand. He is sixteen and has hopes of being an artist, he knows how to draw I'll tell you that. And the twins are thirteen. Daisy is the older of the two, she wants to work for the family business. Ace and I never forced anything upon the kids, we wanted them to chose to do what they wanted. Aurora on the other hand wants to go to the army. She's always been like her father.

          They even give the same intimidating look. I'm now 41 while Ace is 46. We have been insuperable since he asked me to be his girlfriend. God, I remember that day like it was yesterday. Every night we try and go to our spot in the back yard. He always reminds me it's the place he fell in love. We got married in that spot. The spot I made him mine for as long as we live. At the time the wedding was a disaster, but now we look back at it and laugh. I swear everything that could have went wrong did. But I'm happy I married Ace, I would have done it all again too.

        We still live in the same house. We never moved it has too many memories. So many firsts in this house. Not only for us but for the kids. One day I want to pass the house on to our children so they can grow old with their partners in it. Recently I found out my mother died, she wrote a letter for me explaining how she was sorry and didn't want to end things like this. It was good because I got closure. Ace hasn't spoken to his parents since he took over the mafia, and I don't blame him.    

         I remember when I was a clueless young girl, who met this intimidating man who happened to have a baby. I think that was one of the best days of my life. The day my life had begun. The day I had finally met the one. And the day I met the man I was going to stay with forever.

           I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. "Keep an eye on this," I said to Ace pulling his hands off of me. He let out a groan of annoyance, he hates when I pull away from him. I just smiled at him, walking to the door. I pulled it open to be faced with Gio. "YOUR UNCLE IS HERE," I yelled through the house. I gave Gio a sorry look for yelling. Soon enough I heard footsteps coming from all over. Soon enough they all arrived. Daisy was the first one to run into his arms, soon came Aroura, then Oliver, and finally Juliet. I'm pretty sure Sage is asleep like always. I swear he could sleep in any place in any position.

            Everyone here loves Gio. Chatter began among all of the kids. I just walked back to the kitchen, over to Ace. He immediately wrapped his arms around me. Ace has always been super clingy. I never get tired of it or annoyed, I like it. He always had me sit in his office when he worked, or he would always make me sit on his lap during meetings. The list could go on for hours.

            Whenever he even comes close to me it's like falling in love over, and over, and over again. God, I'm so in love it's painful. "And I love you, Athena Rossi." He said leaning in, I did the same, going in for a quick kiss. That wasn't so quick. "Oh my god." I heard Juliet mumble, I just pulled away and laughed.

I love you too Ace.

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