part thirteen

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               *Athens POV*

I woke up to some touching my face. Ace. His hand felt rough but somehow calming. I just groaned and shoved my face deeper into his chest. He let out a laugh, I could feel it vibrate through his chest. "Can I pick out your outfit today?" He asked sweetly. I just nodded, holding on to him closer. I don't want to get up. I'm so warm and comfortable right now. He slowly pried himself out of my grip and stood up. I finally opened my eyes to see him in all of his glory. His messy hair, comfortable clothes on, and the weird thing is, he still looked like a mafia leader. Like how can you manage to look so scary all the time?

He immediately headed into my closet, I just laid back down, trying to go back to sleep. I was on the verge of falling back asleep when Ace shook me back awake. "Get up! I'm finished." I opened my eyes and sat up. My vision was kinda blurry so I rubbed my eyes trying to concentrate on the man before me.

I took my hands from my face to see Ace had picked out another dress, but this time, it was longer, it was white with blue flowers. (In photo box above. But feel free to pick anything) I didn't even know it was in my closet. I took it from him, slipping out of the bed.

"Can you get ready in an hour? I want to take you somewhere. And don't worry about Sage, I have it covered." He asked. "Oh? Where are we going ?" I asked, it's too early for this. I looked over at the clock on my side table, seeing it was noon! Why the hell did I sleep so late?

"I'm not telling you where, just get ready." He said before leaving my room. I wonder where we're going. I walked into my bathroom, closing the door behind me, turning the shower on, making sure it was the right temperature.

When I got the temperature I wanted I undressed and stepped in. Allowing all the water to wash away all my sleepiness. Once I was finished with my shower routine, I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me. I dried off getting dressed into the dress Ace chose for me.

I combed my wavy hair, and brushing my teeth, before exiting the bathroom. Ace was already in my room, waiting for me on my bed. He had a white button-up dress shirt on, with some black suit pants. Where are we going? "You look handsome," I said to Ace with a smile, walking over to my closet to grabbing some shoes.

I felt Ace walking right behind me. I grabbed a random pair of white sandals, that would match my dress putting them in. Ace still hasn't said anything so I looked up at him, to see he was staring at me.

"Are you not going to talk?" I asked. "Oh I'm sorry, I just- you look so beautiful, Athena." He said. My cheeks blushed a deep red. I looked up and smiled at him, "Thanks, Ace." I said looking back down at my shoes, trying to decide if these looked good enough with the dress.

I decided they did and I walked out of my closet grabbing my purse and phone. Once I had everything I needed, I turned my attention on Ace who was just watching me gather all my stuff. "You ready." He asked, "Yeah." I smiled at him waiting for him to take the lead.

He just walked over to me grabbing my hand, and walking out my bedroom door. His hands fit perfectly with mine. Last night when we were watching movies, I could feel his gaze on me the whole time. I wonder what he was thinking about? Was it me?

I got lost in my thoughts, like most of these days. I realized we were already at the front door, he opened the door for me, waiting for me to walk ahead of him. I let go of his hand to walk in front when he quickly grabbed it back, I turned to look at him to see him giving me his best grin. I just laughed, allowing him to hold my hand. We both squeezed through the front door together.

He started walking towards what looked like a garage. We were walking side by side, once we got to the big garage door, he pressed a button on the wall opening it. There must have been at least fifteen cars in there. Everything from SUVs to sports cars. He walked me to an all-black jeep opening my door for me. I hopped up into it, having a hard time being it was so high up, but I made it. He softly closed my door walking over to his side, getting in with ease.

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