part seventeen

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            AN: there is smut in this chapter, get ready to cringe.
               *Aces POV*

I woke up to see Athena was cuddled into my side. I leaned down and gave her a forehead kiss. God, I could never get tired of this woman. I just want to be around her all the time. She's perfect, and it's not just her body that I love, it's her. The way she gets excited over the littlest things, or the way she defends me, or the way she is with Sage.

        Everything she does is perfect. While I was admiring her, I heard a phone buzz. I looked around till my eyes landed on my phone. I reached over and grabbed it off of the nightstand.

It was from Gio. He needs me at the warehouse something about the Russians. I slowly slide my arms from under Athena, she started reaching around in her sleep. I quickly placed my pillow in her arms, she just squeezed it and went back to being in a deep sleep. I went to my closet, putting on a black suit. I found a piece of paper writing, Athena, a note.

Good morning, I hope you slept well. I have to go to the warehouse there is a problem. I'll try and come home as soon as possible.


               I quickly tied my tie and grabbed my gun. I went over to Sage's nursery and walking over to his crib. He was still asleep, I bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the temple, before making my way out of the house. Gio sounded pretty urgent so I tried to hurry. Soon I made it to the front door, I quietly opened it, stepping out. I closed it making sure I locked it behind me. I quickly made my way to my car, getting in, turning it on. I pulled out of the driveway, waving the guards, driving down the road.

Once, I arrived at the warehouse, I could see it looked pretty busy. I got out of my car, walking up to the warehouse. I'm no longer the Ace I am around Athena. In the cold-hearted, ruthless one. The one who doesn't spear any life. And this is exactly why I need Athena. While walking into the warehouse I got a few, good mornings, from my men.

Once I walked in, Gio was the first one to come up to me. He was now serious, "We caught Ivan trying to steal another shipment. We took him, he's in the cells. We were waiting for you." He said while we started walking towards the cells. I could see my men guarding a specific cell. I'm coming for you, Ivan. My pace started to speed up because of excitement. I can't wait to slice my bade into the motherfucker who has been testing me so many times.

         I would have let him slide, but when he came to Athenas job harassing her, he fucked up. I'm usually a nice guy who gives people way too many chances but not when you fuck with someone I love. I arrived at the cell looking through the bars to see my men already started without me. He had two black eyes and his nose was bleeding pretty bad. A wicked smile made its way to my face. Let the fun began.

                *Athenas POV*

         I woke up to feel colder than usual. Where's Ace? I opened my eyes to be met with a blurry room. I quickly rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes looking around to see no Ace. I was looking around till a piece of paper caught my eye. I scooted over toward it. I picked it up, reading it.

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