14th of February

122 5 0

"Happy birthday!!" (Y/N) cheered as she ran inside her parent's room, jumping on the bed and waking up her parents. "Wake up! It's mommy's birthday!!"

The two adults groaned in annoyance at being woken up so early in the morning, they did just come back from Spain yesterday. They loved their daugther, they truly do, but sometimes, she just gets a bit too far with her antics.

"Honey... I know it's mommy's birthday.... but it's so early..." (F/N) grumbled, turning to their window and saw a orange glow behind, meaning the sun is only rising.

"But it's mommy's!!" (Y/N) pouted, puffing out her cheeks at her father's statements. She turned to the woman who was still enjoying the last seconds of her sleep. Of course (Y/N) had to destroy that. "MOMMY!! Wake up!! It's your birthday!! I got you a present!!!"

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"Oh dear, are you two alright?" Cecil asked the couple who finally arrived at the dining table. The couple looked liked they haven't gotten a wink of sleep, but their dear daugther was as bright as ever. "(Y/N), did you wake them up?"

"Yep!" (Y/N) replied proudly, climbing down from her father's hold and into her grandmother. "I woke them up just as you asked!"

"Oh, so it was you mother..." (M/N) muttered tiredly, making her way to her spot while Cecil placed (Y/N) besides her.

"Cheer up, sister, it's your birthday, after all." Yvon said as he wave to his niece with a smile. "(Y/N) got you a present, we all did, plus, mom's going to make dinner for you!"

"Aha! You got that right!" Cecil laughed, placing her hands on her hips. "Cecil is going back to the kitchen after all these years!! You better be ready to be blown out of your mind because of this queen's cooking!!"

"Yay!! Mammie is the best!!" (Y/N) cheered along while the others just shook their head.

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"First! Mommy! Open my present!!" (Y/N) ran up to her mother, holding a tray on her hands. It was pretty obvious what it was that she was going to give. She set the tray on the table, assisted by Lennard so that it doesn't fall. "Tadaa!! It's the recepy you thought me last month!!"

"...." (M/N) looked down at the cheesecake on the tray, tearing up. "My little (Y/N)... all grown up..."

"Ehh... don't you like it???" (Y/N) frowned as she saw her mother cried.

"No, dear, mommy loves it very much..." (Y/N) didn ot believe her and run up to her, opening her arms. (M/N) knew what the child wanted and picked her up, giving her a hug. "This was the first recipe mother thought me, and this was the first recipe you learned... I'm very proud of you my dear..."

"You're all grown up, (Y/N)." (F/N) said, patting her head, giving her a gentle smile.

"Hehe!! I'm gonna grow up big and smart!" (Y/N) declared, making her family smile. "Just like mommy and daddy!!"

They all felt light hearted, seeing their youngest be so ambitius and happy. If she wanted to be a chef like them, then they would support her and give her the best training there is, and if she didn't want to, then that's fine too. They would support her either way.

Because within the (L/N)s, family is always first, more than anything.

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"Mia-san, mommy said she loved my present!!" (Y/N) boasted as she took a break from her studies. Mia smiled, giving her a compliment, boasting (Y/N)'s ego. "Momym said that my present was her favourite! And it was the best she ever tasted!"

"I'm sure of it!" Mia cheered, placing the new set of snacks, fresh from the kitchen.

"Lucas, did you like my cheesecake too?" The girl turned to the giant on the side, waiting for his opinion on the cheesecake she made yesterday. "I worked very hard! Mammie thought me how to do it perfectly!"

"Yes. What (Y/N)-hime makes will always be the best." Lucas answered immedeately.

"Hmph, that's what you always say." (Y/N) sighed, swinging her legs in the air. "Everyone always compliments me, it's hard to find out who's saying the thruth."

"But don't you like the compliments?" A new voice joined in on the conversation. (Y/N), knowing who the voice belonged to immedeately dashed to the person.

"Daddy!! You're back early!!"

"Hello, honey, looks like you're still having classes." (F/N) picked up the child, making his way over to the couch, placing her next to him and looking over her notes. Typical third grade stuff. "How are your studies?"

"Great! I got another perfect score, daddy!" (Y/N) boasted, taking the paper from the table and handing it to her father, who gave her a compliment. "I got another perfect score, so that means I get to have another wish!"

"Ahaha, of course, it is our deal after all."

"Then, next week, let's go to Shinjuku Gyoen!" (Y/N) announced. "I heard from my teacher that the garden is really pretty! I want to go there with everyone!! So, let's go next week!"

"...ahh... sorry, but daddy can't go next week..." He sighed sadly, making (Y/N)'s smile dissapear. "I'm going to Italy next week..."

"...oh..." Lucas and Mia saw the light dissapear from her eyes, but she seemed to have masked it again with a smile. "That's okay... Then, when you come back, let's go with everyone, okay?"

"Of course." (F/N) smiled, placing a small pat on the child's head.

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(Y/N) frowned, holding the results of her studies on her chest as she heard the shouts of her parent's arguing from behind the door. She bit the inside of her cheeks, willing herself not to cry and ran off.

But as she ran, she bumped into someone, or rather, some people. Yvon, Ryuuji, and Liquin where in front of her, giving her looks of pity.

"S-sorry.... I'm going back to my room now..." They can tell that she wanted to go run and cry.

"Then, we'll bring you there." Yvon offered, picking up the sniffing child. "There, there. You did great on your exam today, (Y/N)."

The child didn't reply and just burried her head on her uncle's shoulder while the other two took the papers that scattered on the ground.

The walk to her room was very quiet, the only sounds were the crying of the little girl. Once they were inside, Yvon placed (Y/N) on her bed, tucking her in and wiping her tears. He gave her a goodnight's kiss on her head before leaving her alone.

"...should we tell Masafumi-sama?" Liquin asked, his brows furrowed as he clenched his fists.

"No. Father will only get angry again..." Yvon replied, placing his head on the door. He was only thirteen, but he can tell just how shitty his sister's marriage was. "And father getting angry will do nothing..."

"But (Y/N)-hime will be the one will be hurting in the end." Ryuuji added. "This will eventually destroy her when she grows up. She already knows about her parent's fighting almost everyday, why not tell her the truth?"

".....I want to. I really do." Yvon lifted his head, making his way back to his room, the two following after him. "But it's not my place to say it. It's my sister's and (F/N)-san."

The boy closed the door, leaving Ryuuju and Liquin to stand outside witha frown.

"Of course we can't." Liquin spat, the two of them making their way to their own rooms. "That kid's going to break at some point if they keep doing this."

"Well, we can't simply tell that to a child, can we?" The ravenette asked, stopping at his door, turning to Liquin to before he entered. "That she was born to keep their broken marriage."

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