Nice To Meet You Part 2

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3 years later after harry won the X Factor he got signed to Simons record label SYCO  music and harry and louis are still dating but they had to tell Simon about there relationship and Simon was ok with it as long as it wasn't disturbing Harrys work and it didn't but a year earlier louis proposed to harry and he said yes that morning with louis and harry having sex AAAA YES LOUIS AAA FASTER , FASTER MMMM harry I love you harry I LOVE YOU T-TOO LOUIS AAA then Harry's phone rings UUGG hello [ good morning harry don't forget you have a photo shoot today at 2 and sound check at 5 and a concert at 8 ] ok Simon I'm on my way good then harry hangs up the phone who was that babe it was Simon I need a shower I have a busy day oh ok then harry looks up at louis we can finish in the shower mm I like that after harry and louis finished in the shower they drove down to Harrys photoshoot hey harry I'm ben and ill be taking your photos today hey ben and I'm glad so what do you want me to do well for the first shot I need you to take your top off and the 2nd shot I need you to were this pink shirt and white pants and that's it once harry walked away from ben to get changed louis instantly wiped Harrys top off um Lou I think I can undress myself I know but I just do it better mm yes you do then they kiss ok harry you ready yep.

 After 2 hours of taking pictures he got dressed and walked out of the photoshoot and back in to Louis's car so where now sound check and I have to be there in 1hour so lets go once they get to sound check harry and louis ran to Harrys dressing room and louis pushed harry on the sofa  and started to grind on him MMM aaa louis your ass is so sexy in those jeans and it makes me so hard oh really yes then they hear a knock on the door. Harry time for sound check coming ill see you later sexy ass mm ill be waiting here once harry got on stage for sound check harry started to sing a few of his songs and then after 2 hours he was done and once he got back to his dressing room to get a shower and get dressed for his concert in less then 1hour he sow louis napping on the sofa with his hand down his pants aww then harry slowly walked up to louis and shouted WAKE UP SEXY then louis falls off the sofa while screaming AAAAAAAA OW haha not funny harry I'm sorry babe so how was sound check all good but I only and 1 to get dressed so I will be in the shower while you put music on ok love. 

Once harry has gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed his make up team and sound guy came in  and put some make up on him and the sound guy hooked up his mick and his ear piece then once harry was ready he gave louis a quick kiss and they headed to stage while they hear loads of girls screaming then harry went on stage  love you boo love you hazz GOOD EVENING EVEYONE IM HARRY STYLES AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SONG HERES LIGHTS then the crowed screamed even louder. 

What do you mean? I'm sorry by the way I'm never coming back down Can't you see? I could, but wouldn't stay I wouldn't put it like that What do you mean? I'm sorry by the way I'm never coming around It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same (La-da-da-da-dah) All the lights couldn't put out the dark Running through my heart Lights up and they know who you are Know who you are Do you know who you are? Step into the light (Shine) So bright sometimes (Shine) I'm not ever going back Step into the light (Shine) So bright sometimes (Shine) I'm not ever going back Step into the light (Shine) It's so bright sometimes (Shine) I'm not ever (oh) What do you mean? I'm sorry by the way I'm never going back now It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same All the lights couldn't put out the dark Running through my heart Lights up and they know who you are Know who you are Do you know who you are?.

Once harry finished a few songs he was doing some jokes 'knock, knock [fans - who's there ] a cow goes [ fans- cow goes who ] no a cow goes moo fans screaming and laughing ok here is another one  knock , knock [fans - who's there ] lettuce [ fans - lettuce who ] LETTUCE [fans- LETTUS WHO ] lettuce in and you'll find out then harry and the crowd started to laugh thank you . you guys have been amazing GOOD BYE LONDON then harry walks off stage and louis jumps on him and kisses him you have really bad jokes oh yea yes then harry carry's louis to his dressing room so harry can put some sweat pants on and then they can leave once they get home they go straight to bed good night harry good night louis 4 months later its was Harrys long weekend off and louis a big surprise for him he was going to marry that afternoon that morning with louis down stairs cooking harry breakfast then harry comes down stairs good morning babe morning love how did you sleep wonderful because I had my sexy fiancée next to me aww babe stop your making me blush good then harry walks behind louis and wraps his arms around his stomach and kisses his cheek I love you I love you to. 

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