Hold Me Closer Part 2

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18 years later after harry gave birth to Brandon and Hailey they are the happiest family ever but louis really wants to be human again but being a vampire dose have its perks for getting his kids to do there chores that morning with harry and louis morning babe morning how long have you been staring at me not long mmh what come here then get so close and then they kiss babe yes louis you need to get the kids up ok babe then harry gets out of bed and goes to Hailey's room Hailey time to get up for school no daddy let me sleep u have 5 minutes to get up and showered before I send papa in no daddy then harry leaves and goes into Brandon's room Brandon time to get up no response Brandon get up no response then harry leaves the room and grabs a cup of freezing cold water and pours in all over Brandon WHAT THE HELL DAD time to get up for school and next time don't ignore me then harry leaves and checks on Hailey , Hailey are you up yet no response that's it LOUIS GRAB HAILEY OK then louis goes into Hailey's room and takes her outside what are you gonna do hazza this then harry grabs the hose and sprays Hailey with cold water then she wakes up WHAT THE HELL DAD THATS SO COLD are you awake yes good and if you and your brother keep ignoring me when I wake you up I will keep doing this every morning then Hailey gets up and goes inside and goes in the shower and warms up and then gets changed 20 minutes later OK KIDS TIME FOR SCHOOL then they come down stairs pissed off aww why so mad haha that was not funny it kind of was then once harry drives them to school louis is at home cleaning then harry comes home. 

Hey babe hey hazza did the kids get into school alright yep good so what are you doing nothing much just cleaning oh ok what about you I'm going to watch some tv ok 2 hours later harry fell asleep on the sofa and louis is doing the laundry harry are you wa- then louis walks in the living room and sees harry asleep with his pink blanket aww that's cute then louis walks up to harry and sits on him and kisses his neck and harry puts his arm around him still sleeping because he thinks its a dream mmm hazza time to get up mmm no baby me sleepy aww tough GET UP BABE ow louis that hurts sorry babe but I wanted to ask you if you are wanting Chinese yea sure but you cant eat it I know but I can have blood and a little bit ok sure after 20 minutes the food arrives yes I'm starving while they eat they were watching princess and the frog and harry started to cry aww babe why are you crying he's dead because of that evil man babe its ok he is with his true love louis wipes harrys tears then they here the door open and Hailey walks in screaming UUUUGG I HATE MY LIFE then they hear her door slam shut ill go and see what's wrong then harry puts his food down and walks upstairs Hailey honey what's wrong PAPA GET OUT OF MY ROOM not until you tell me what's wrong then Hailey walks up to harry and pushes him out of her room and slams the door again. 

LISTEN MISSY YOU DO NOT SLAM DOORS IN THIS HOUSE then Hailey blast music so she can block harrys voice HAILEY OPEN THIS DOOR NOW AND TURN DOWN THAT MUSIC later that day once school ended Brandon comes home and walks into the living room to see louis in the kitchen and harry once again on the sofa napping hey dad hey peanut how was school it was good ok that's good um what's wrong with Hailey she came home early and started to scram at your papa oh yea well my friends started to pick on her and then one of there girlfriends got jealous and started to call her names aww my baby can you go talk to her ok when is dinner ready soon maybe 1h ok once Brandon goes upstairs and knocks on Hailey's door she shouts GO AWAY PAPA  its not papa its Brandon OH WELL THEN GGGGOOOO AAAAAAWWWWAAAAAYYYYYYY Hailey listen to me ok I'm sorry for what my friends did just please open the door when Hailey opens the door Brandon sees that she has been crying and he pulls her into a hug so she can cry more hey its ok trust me ill talk to them tomorrow ok no one hurts my twin ok she just nods now come on lets go and wake papa up why is he sleeping its 4 in the afternoon no clue once they go down stairs they see that harry is still sleeping and they go one each side of him and scream PAPA  WAY ARE YOU SLEEPING then harry wakes up in a panic. 

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