I'm Not Sceard Of You Part 2

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1 year later louis gave birth to 2 wonder kids one boy called Kyle and a girl called Victoria they were so happy now its been 16 years and they are both vampires and louis is the only human and he hates it but he doesn't tell harry that day with louis and harry at 7am morning babe hey how long have you been staring at be not long liar oh really I'm a liar yes you are then harry smiles at louis and leans down and kisses him while lifting him up on his lap mm harry we cant do this now why not because the kids are on the other side of that wall trust me they will be at school already then they here them fighting no Victoria its my turn to use the bathroom first tough I was here first but you use all the water not my fault UUUGGG with louis and harry you see why I wanted 2 bathrooms so this wouldn't happen mmh come here no harry you have to take the kids to school FINE good louis gives him a peck on the lips and leaves the room to make breakfast for himself but while louis is down stairs he sees Harrys cup with blood in it and he takes a sip and spits it out in the sink and harry sees the blood OMG ARE YOU OK BOO I'm fine no your not you just spat out blood harry its ok I just accidently drank out of your mug by mistake oh ok how did it taste horrible  KIDS TIME FOR SCHOOL GET YOUR ASSES IN THE CAR IN 5 MINUTES OK PAPPA 5 minutes later Kyle runs down the stairs while louis and harry hears Victoria screaming it didn't do anything KYLE YOU ASSHOLE LET ME OUT what did you do nothing I swear.

 Then harry goes up stairs and sees that a rope is attached to her door handle and his and Louis's room then harry unhooks her door and grabs her before she runs dad let me go no you are going to stay calm ok no he fucking locked me in he is going to pay for this then harry carries Victoria down stairs while Kyle is sitting on the table Kyle get off the table DAD PUT ME DOWN harry put her down if I do I don't know what's going to happen what do you mean watch then harry puts Victoria down and she takes a deep breath and runs and attacks Kyle YOU ASSHOLE DONT YOU DARE LOCK ME IN MY ROOM AGIAN OR I WILL MURDER YOU then she starts to hit him and louis runs to get her off him witch led to him getting scratched by Victoria omg papa I'm sorry its ok darling Lou are you alright I'm fine just take the kids to school I need to clean ok once harry and the kids leave the house louis started to cry and went to the bathroom to clean the blood from his cheek then started to clean the house until harry came home hey babe how are you since this mornings intendent I'm fine I told you babe have you been crying no really because your eyes are red a puffy oh I had something in my eye ok then do you wanna go and have some fun maybe later I'm in the middle of cleaning really louis your picking cleaning over me well I'm sorry that the house is messy all the time LOUIS STOP AND LOOK AT ME. 

Louis looks at harry with tears in his eyes aww babe please tell me what's wrong I hate that I'm the only human in this GOD DAM HOSUE babe if you wanna be like us all you have to do is say it and ill do it but what if it doesn't work and you end up killing me I don't want you living with the regret aww babe then harry grabs louis and pulls him close to him and kisses him while picking him up and lifting him on the kitchen counter and grinds on him MM HARRY WE CANNOT DO IT HERE why not I JUST CLEANED IT fine then harry picks him up and takes him to the nearest wall and puts louis down to take his pants off and his own and then he picks him back up and starts to fuck louis against the wall AAAAAAAA YEEESSS HAARRRRYYYY FASTER PLEASE then goes deeper and faster and louis lets out a loud scream and moan when he feels harry Cumming inside of him then louis shouts IM GONNA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA omg that was amazing told you it was better then cleaning ok your right but now we need a shower and get dressed ok later that same day with Victoria and Kyle in school and a girl walks up to Kyle hey Kyle are you going to the football game on Friday um yea oh good wanna be my date sure ill see you then then she walks away Kyle you know we are not allowed to go to any football games because what happened last time hey that was not my fault you pushed a kid off the bleachers because he held a sign in your face oh shut up and leave me alone then Victoria leaves crying and feeling upset while  Kyle was still  in the middle of the hallway.

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