Rocky's Past Part 3

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AN: For those of you who are confused about what's going on so far, this chapter (well, part of it anyway) finishes tying up some loose ends.

Note: this chapter straddles the M rating for...very...detailed torture and large quantities of blood. Don't like, Don't read, Don't flame.

When Rocky woke up, he was on a very soft dog bed, with Zuma sleeping beside him. Rocky looked around nervously. He didn't see Michael anywhere. Maybe this was all a dream. He hopefully thought. Then he looked down at his paws. Still semi-transparent. Ah, damn it. He thought, hopes crushed. Michael is still around somewhere. Then he felt a tap on the head. He slowly looked up. Michael was hovering about a foot above his head, staring at him quizzically.

"Good morning!" he said cheerfully. "To be honest, I don't know if you were just tired or too shocked."

"Both," moaned Rocky. "You know, I still have a lot of questions, like, how did Mere's throne get here, how are you orchestrating these events, how do you know all of this..."

"Yes, yes, I know. But it's not my fault you're prone to fainting, and Zuma was really mad at me. He said I'd done something to you when you left the waking world. It took me a while to calm him down, had to show him you were still breathing and things. Then Zuma wouldn't let me get close to you, so I had to wait for him to fall asleep. By the way, tell him to stop trying to bite me. We're both his best friend, but he seems to like you more." admitted Michael. Then Rocky noticed what was hanging around Michael's neck.

"Is that...the amulet of peace?" asked Rocky, touching it with his paw.

"Yeah, it is. I need to keep it on, or the chaos inside me would filter through to you. God's are powerful, yes, but even they have limitations."

"Are there other gods out there?"

"I'm not sure. Mere's believed he was the only one, but there may be. I'm probably the only god for billions of lightyears in every direction." he said, landing down beside him.

"You, you mean we?"

"Okay, we need to make this clear. When you were born, you were born with a divine and dog side. I am your divine side. You are the dog side. But together we are a demi-god of sorts. So in the short space of time that I will be out of you, anything relating to god or powers or anything along those lines means me."

"Oh, okay," said Rocky." but why are my two sides separated?"

"When Meres reincarnated in you, your divine side separated from the fleshly side. I had to separate to hold him. Otherwise, the mortal part of you would have been destroyed. Only divinity could hold its own. But now that I hold his power, when I reconnect with you and give you his power, you'll be fine."

"Wocky! You're alive!" barked Zuma, jumping up and hugging Rocky tightly, tail wagging. He was now just waking up.

"As I said before, but no, you wouldn't listen," mumbled Michael to himself.

"Okay, fine, you were wight. But even you must admit that this is a very shocking wevelation. I was quite wowwied about him." said Zuma, licking Rocky's cheek. Rocky's normally gray cheeks showed hints of red in them as he wiggled out of Zuma's grip.

"Good to see you to Zuma," he mumbled shyly, embarrassed. Rocky was not a pup for attention.

"As to your question on how Mere's throne room got here, it happened when the meteor shower hit Adventure Bay. That piece was just a smidgin of this room. Of course, the impact of it hitting the ground caused it to tunnel up under here, and there is sustained damage to the room."

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