Chapter 1- Annie's Arrival

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(Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks so much for deciding to read my story! This first part is really an introduction to the series in a way. It introduces the plot and the characters, so don't mind a bit of character development at the start... Keep reading though, I promise it'll get better as you read! Thanks again! ~ Labridae)

Also! If you guys don't know the backstory of this creepypasta, there is a link to a youtube video that explains it pretty well. Enjoy!

Madamelolcatz is online

Hey guys, Madamelolcatz here! I hope you are all having a great Christmas and Christmas break, because I sure am! Sorry for my inactivity lately, I have been very busy with school and other things. Well, I am finally back on Reddit after a long hiatus. Right now, I'm anticipating the arrival of my friend for her to spend Christmas with me. (You may have heard of AnnieChiri check her out!) Yeah, she'll be over for a week here in the U.S., and it's been great. I'll keep you guys posted, and Annie will keep updating on her page as well. Until next time,

MLC. (^-ω-^)

Madamelolcatz logged off.

12/27/14: Annie

AnnieChiri is online

Well hello everyone. I'm AnnieChiri, and welcome to another update from yours truly. Christmas break is upon me, and as I'm writing, this campus is completely empty. I'm currently waiting for the shuttle to pick me up and bring me to the airport. What's going on? I'm going to visit my friend May, or Madamelolcatz in America! I know, right? I'm so flipping excited! I have never been out of the country before, so this is really exciting for me. Top secret: I'm bringing her Christmas presents with me, which are a surprise game that I bought at a tag sale the other day that looks really fun, (she's a video game geek) and a handmade ugly Christmas sweater. (Don't tell her!) Well, the shuttle will be here any minute, so I have to go. I'll keep you guys updated, and be on the lookout for posts on May's blog as well~



AnnieChiri logged off.


May's POV

I was so excited to see my friend Annie, that it seemed like the time that I had to head to the terminal to pick her up was inching by. I checked the clock. "2:15,"I murmured to myself. "That leaves me plenty of time to get there and wait." Before I had to go, I had to tidy a bit more. I paced up and down in my apartment, looking for something else to fix. My gaze fell upon the sitting room and right away I started to notice flaws. I walked over and started to straighten the sofa cushions for the hundredth time. Moving over to the coffee table I adjusted coasters and magazines. Turning around, I reached for the broom and dustpan in the corner and swept the same spots in the kitchen over and over again. Everything had to be just right for when she got here. I wanted her first time in America to be perfect. With one last sweeping look over my handiwork, I decided that everything was just the way it should be. Finally checking to see if I turned off the oven, I grabbed my keys, jacket and shoes, and closed the door behind me. I hope that she likes it here, I said to myself as I descended the staircase that led down to the lobby. I pulled my overcoat and scarf on as I gazed outside. It had begun to snow, and it already began to cover the slushy parking lot in a thin layer of white powder. What happens if something were to go wrong? I asked myself, trudging out to the car. I swung into the drivers seat and started up the car. Fiddling with the GPS in the console, I plugged in the address. Stop it, May. I thought, as the automated voice directed me to drive east. Everything is going to be just fine. I pulled out of the small parking lot and obediently directed my car east towards the airport.

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