Chapter 6- Never Reach the Other Levels

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(Author's Note: Thanks for reading part 6 of my story! The story is drawing to a close, and thanks for reading this far! Expect 2 or so more updates after this. Until the next update! ~Labridae)

Annie’s POV:

We inched down the hallway, wheeling the swivel chair with the stool balanced on top of it, wielding our weapons menacingly. I took off my earmuffs to hear if the screaming was still continuing in the next room. To my surprise, all was silent. I looked over to May and motioned for her to take off her earmuffs.

“Did the screaming stop?” She asked. I nodded, and pointed towards the door.

“On the count of three, alright? Everything will be fine.” I said. May nodded, and held her skillet like a baseball bat, ready to swing. “One.” I said. “Two.” I twisted the doorknob. “Three!” We burst into the office, and I threw the rolling pin onto the bed. It landed with a plop next to my suitcase, and I quickly put the stool down on the floor. May wheeled the chair into place, put down the skillet on the desk, and took the controls. The screaming had stopped, the darkness was gone, and the lobby was back on the screen. I wasn’t the faintest bit surprised, after what has happened so far.

“Here goes nothing,” May said, and she directed the character forward down the corridor. I noticed right away that something was off. Instead of the pixelated movie posters that lined the walls previously, they were replaced with images of the swirly head man! I gasped, and May jumped. She whipped her head around. “What is it?” She asked.

“Look at the posters!” I cried. May moved closer to the screen and immediately drew back.

“Oh my god,” she murmured, and quickly moved the character away from the walls. Soon, we began to approach the end of the first corridor. My stomach was twisted into knots anticipating what could happen. All of a sudden, the swirly head man appeared in the bottom corner of the screen with a sound effect that almost sounded like the scream cut off at the beginning. I jumped again, and May held down LSHIFT like her life depended on it. The character sprinted down the hallway, and the swirly head man appeared and disappeared quickly in various parts of the theater. He kept appearing in front of us, appearing behind of us, appearing in the far right hand corner, and with each time the same sound effect grew louder and louder. I was just about panicking. Thankfully, the next part of the stage loaded, and he was gone. The game was silent.

“Thank goodness that’s over,” I said, adjusting myself on the stool. May nodded shakily.

“The worst is probably coming up,” she said. I knew she was right, but I didn’t want to say anything. We inched down the hallway as the two dark corridors came into view. In front of the divide between the two corridors was the normal ticket taker sprite, but was he moving? May stopped moving, and the character stood there from afar, observing the ticket taker. The sprite was pacing, no, more like he was hopping from side to side in front of the two corridors, probably because the sprite wasn’t supposed to move at all... May inched closer and closer, afraid if she went too quickly, something would happen. Soon we were close enough to see the sprite up close. His face had changed. He was not the swirly head man, but in place of the usual blank expression was a face that looked shocked. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was slightly open. It was really freaky, and May scooted back from the screen as far as she could go while still being able to control the game.

“Go closer to him,” I urged May. “He doesn’t look too menacing…” Right after those words escaped my mouth, I regretted them as May walked up to the ticket taker. She stopped right in front of him, and he stopped moving from side to side. He stood in the center of the divide between the two corridors, still looking left so that we could only see the profile of his face. The game was dead silent as he turned forward slowly and stared right at us. He seemed to be staring right through the screen, and right at us. May and I froze up and stared at the ticket taker.  Nothing happened, and we sat there immobile just like him. I was shaking, and I was really expecting the worst. I really wish I didn’t leave the rolling pin on the bed. The ticket taker just stood there, with the same shocked expression on his face. On the bottom of the screen, a textbox appeared. Press SPACEBAR to interact.

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