Chapter 5- The Warning

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(Author's Note: Enjoy this new chapter!) 

Annie’s POV:

I could tell by May’s expression that something was about to happen. The computer was now completely silent. Every bit of me was in a terrible state of suspense, wondering what could possibly happen next. All of a sudden, the ticket taker appeared out of the darkness. It made me jump violently, and I almost fell off of the stool. May jumped too, and let out a soft scream as she almost threw the mouse into the air. It was most definitely the ticket taker sprite, but instead of the normal face, he had a swirl for a face… Just looking at it made me feel really uneasy. “What’s wrong with his face?” I asked quietly. May didn’t respond. She just kept staring and staring at the sprite on the screen. A few seconds passed while we just stared and stared at the ticket taker, or ‘swirly head man’ waiting to see what would happen next. Without warning, a terrible screeching static sound blasted out of the speakers. It was so unexpected; I almost fell off of the stool once again. I clapped my hands over my ears to block the horrible sound. It was even worse than the music that played earlier; it made me want to run out of the room! The screaming sound just kept continuing on and on, and May just kept sitting there completely immobile in the desk chair, clutching her creeper plush in a vice-like grip. I finally snapped back into my senses. I had to get her out of here! She can’t stay in the same room as this horrible, horrible game! I jumped up from my stool, leaving my notebook abandoned on the floor. I ran over to the desk chair and grabbed it with one hand. With the other hand I threw open the office door, and wheeled the chair out of the room and a short distance down the hall as fast as I could.

I ran back to the office, hands over my ears and slammed the door behind me. Through the closed door I could still hear the faint horrible screeching sound coming from the speakers. I bent down to face May, who was curled up in the chair, frozen in place with a terrified look on her face. “May!” I shouted. “May, answer me!” I lightly shook her. As soon as I did this, May returned to her senses. She began to shiver uncontrollably in the chair, and I took her hands to stand her up.

“We need to do something about this horrible game, Annie.” She said quietly. I nodded and sat her down on the sofa. If we were going to do something, what would we do? The only thing that I could come up with right now was that we just needed to wait until the horrible screaming stopped, if possible.

“Ok, this is what we’re going to do,” I said sitting down next to May on the couch. “We just need to wait it out. We just need to sit here and wait until that horrible screeching sound stops before we can do anything, alright?” May nodded silently and switched on the TV, turning the volume up really loud to try and drown out the sounds coming from the office.

May’s POV:

I was horrified. That horrible, horrible screaming sound that was still coming from the office just startled me so badly. I stared at the TV, and didn’t even care that ANTM was on. I just couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, all that I knew at that very moment was the screaming. I’m relieved that Annie still had her wits about her to get me out of there, or else I’m not sure what would’ve happened. I looked over to Annie who was now curled up with a pillow in her lap, her eyes focused with a laser like intensity on the TV screen. She must’ve been really upset as well, having to go through all of this with me. I turned back to the TV, and continued to think. She was right; all we had to do now, all we could do now is wait it out.

I looked over to the part of the couch where Annie was sitting. Next to her was her iPhone, which was facing screen up. The screen was lighting up with notifications, all from various Reddit users. I picked up her phone, and she didn’t even react. I unlocked her phone and opened up Reddit, and her mailbox had 50 new messages. Curious, I read one that was from a user named Amonicon.

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