TFP Knockout X Human Female Reader: Valentine's Day

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Request by CricketLuver on Wattpad.

I hope you all enjoy this One-shot. I enjoyed writing this!


You came home to see Knockout’s holo-form draped over the couch. Your cat, Cyrus, fast asleep on his chest, while Knockout carded his fingers through your cat’s soft black fur. He was watching some horror movie involving zombies on your TV. His head turned towards you when you closed the door behind you.

“Welcome home, beautiful.” He greeted, you walk up behind him and bend down to press a kiss to his forehead.

“I hope you didn’t just sit here all day doing nothing.” You pet your cat’s head who responds with a purr of affection.

“Of course not. I did many things today.” Your heart jumped at that. You felt a smile spread across your face, excited that he remembered today. “I did work at the Nemesis at noon and came back here to take care of Cyrus.” Your smile faltered a little.

“Is that everything you did?” His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced up at you to see your worried expression.

“Yes, was there something else I was supposed to do?” You shook your head and ran your fingers through his red hair.

“No, I was just curious.” You kissed his forehead again before heading to the kitchen to start dinner. Knockout shifted to watch you leave. He waited until you were around the corner before letting out the breath he held. That was close, he almost gave away the surprise. Seeing you a little upset made him almost break but he held it together. He checked the time on the clock hung up above the TV to see it was nearing the time to put his plan into action. He just hopes he can keep it together long enough, he would never admit but seeing you upset did things to him. You really did have him wrapped around your finger.

You weren’t too upset. A part of you knew that he wouldn’t remember the day, he has so many more important things going on aboard the Nemesis. Still, the thought that he didn’t care to check the date or holiday made your chest grow tight at the thought of your past lover. 

Your ex was a manipulative man who made it clear that you didn’t deserve to be treated to gifts or affection on this holiday. He said since you refused to be intimate with him, why should he give you anything if you won’t return the favor. Your hands shook at the memory of his act of violence towards you. You struggled to get the thoughts out of your head but they kept on coming.

The air smelled thick of cheap booze and cigarettes. This familiar smell usually meant that Brian had another bad day at work and when he drank it only fueled his anger, making him violent.

You stepped into the living room to see Brian taking a swig of his beer. His brown eyes turned from the football game to focus on you. His eyes were hazy and unfocused but you could still see the anger burning in his eyes.

“The hell are you staring for?” He growled. You flinched at his tone and turned your gaze to the floor to avoid looking at him.

“I just wanted to tell you that I would be starting dinner soon.” You replied, quietly. You heard him grunt and turn back towards his game. You quickly duck into the kitchen and start boiling the water for pasta. Spaghetti was one of Brian’s favorite dishes. Hopefully, this would get you on his good side.

After the water was bubbling and steaming you were placing the noodles in when a hand yanked your hair from behind. You cried out in pain as Brian continued to pull on your hair.

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