Camping Trip |TFP Decepticons X Gender-Neutral Human Reader

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This was not requested by anyone. I did this because I really liked the idea and it was really fun to write. Hope you enjoy!

“I don’t see how you humans can enjoy lying on dirt. Aren’t you afraid that a bug will crawl all over you?” You paused in putting up your tent to look at Knockout, he stood behind you with a look of disgust on his face-plate.

“That’s why I sleep in a tent with loads of mosquito repellent and citronella candles. I also make sure to put all of my food away properly so no animals or bugs can get into it.” You replied, continuing where you left off with your tent. You struggled as the tents poles refused to bend to where you wanted it to go. “Why must you resist me!” You hissed as you continued to pull harder. A chuckle made you angrily turn to see who was laughing.

Leaning against one of the taller trees was Starscream. The smirk on his face-plate made your face turn red in embarrassment and anger. The cocky mech was somehow finding your struggle amusing, but in truth the bastard found almost anything that pains someone hilarious.

“Is my pain amusing to you, Starscream?” You glared at him as he chuckled again.

“Very much. You have proven to me yet again that you humans are so weak when it comes to menial tasks, such as yours.” He smirked down at you smugly and your anger increased ten-fold.

“Well-then “Mr. Know It All” would you like to do the honors of finishing this task if it’s so easy?” Starscream shook his head with that same damn smirk.

“I would never stoop down that low to your level, human. I prefer watching.” You growled and went to say something but thundering steps stopping behind you silenced you.

“Come now Starscream. If you think of yourself as such a superior being, such a task would be easy. Or are you admitting defeat and that our dear, Y/N, is better than you?” Megatron said as he leaned down to your level. The heat radiating off of his frame was overwhelming as he looked down at you. “Wouldn’t you agree?” You stared up at Megatron, confused, before it hit you. He was taunting Starscream. You smirked and looked over at Starscream.

“The mighty Starscream is admitting that he is weaker than little ole’ me? I never thought this day would come.” You mocked as you watched Starscream go from smug to shocked in a heartbeat. His optics got as big as an owls as he looked from Megatron to you. Before scowling and growling quietly in anger towards you. But the rumble of Megatron’s chuckle silenced him.

“I am not weaker than you fleshling. If anything I am stronger. To assume such a thing could have you ending up dead, you-”

“Finish that sentence Starscream and you will face great consequences. Just get over here and help her.” Megatron growled as he stood back up from his crouched position. Starscream pushed himself off of the tree and took a couple steps towards the two of you.
“Why can’t you assist her,” Starscream paused with an audible gulp. “My liege?” Megatron’s gaze lingered on Starscream before he turned and headed back towards his original spot where Soundwave stood admiring the bird sitting on one of his long slender digits.

“I would, but I think you should help Y/N with her sleeping arrangements as a lesson,” Megatron paused and turned his head slightly so he could glare at him. “The next time you decide to run your mouth, you better think before you speak.” He retorted, before continuing to his spot. Starscream stared at Megatron’s back for a bit with his mouth hanging open.

“May want to close your mouth before a bug decides to fly in it.” Starscream shut his mouth with an audible click. He turned to you and glared down at you with hatred.

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