SG Megatron X Human Female Reader

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Requested by lol-hi-bitches

You were tired, you can't remember how long you have been walking up this trail. The snow crunched beneath your feet, each step sluggish as your strength slowly seeped away. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and the pain of the bullet in your right shoulder started to slowly get worse. It felt like your arm was being pulled out of its socket. The warm blood slipped between your fingers, the pressure you were applying to the wound was slowly lessening as more of your blood left your body. You stumble but quickly catch yourself from falling. A sharp jolt of pain jolts through your arm. You gasp in pain as hot tears start to fall down your cheeks as the pain increases tenfold. You press your back against a nearby tree and slowly slide down onto the ground. You raised your non-bloodied hand to your face to wipe away your tears but you stopped. Your skin was pale, paler than usual. Your heart stops for a second. Oh God, your gonna die, your fingers were turning numb and you could no longer feel your toes. You were gonna die in the middle of nowhere. You never got to say goodbye to your family, you just hope that they know that you love them.

The distant sounds of metallic thuds grow closer but you don't acknowledge it. You fall forward into the snow and curl up into a ball. Your body shaking uncontrollably as the cold finally takes away what little heat you have left inside your coat. You close your eyes and as your sight becomes blurry as more tears fall.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't be stronger. I tried." You whispered as you faded into unconsciousness. Before you fell into darkness you see a large black hand reaching for your body.... I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough....

"Why doesn't mother love me?" Your father paused in the middle of stirring the pasta. He turned to look at you. You sat at the dining room table, your homework in front of you. Tears dripping down onto the paper below.

"What makes you think that she doesn't love you?" He asked. He turned the heat down on the stove and walked over to crouch down next to you. You looked at him with watery eyes.

"I heard her tell you that," his eyebrows creased in worry, his expression growing sad. "When you and mom were fighting I heard her say that she could never love a brat like me." You sobbed. Your father wrapped his arms around you, pressing your face into his chest. He shushed you while carding his fingers through your hair. You felt him press a kiss to the top of your head.

"She's just mad. She will never stop loving you." He said reassuringly. You look up from his shirt, sniffling before wiping the tears out of your eyes.

"Promise?" You asked. You see your father hesitate before he smiles down at you.

"I promise."

You wake up to a beeping noise from beside you. You look to the right of you to see a cardiac event recorder set up beside you. You see many tubes hooked up to you and you sit up immediately. A hand on your shoulder stops you from moving any further. A tall man is standing beside you. He smiles at you and gently pushes you back onto the bed.

"Calm down, you're safe. You are in my home. You're lucky that I had found, you were in some pretty bad shape. Luckily my doctor had the proper equipment to help you." You ignore the rest of his words as you examine him. He was handsome. He was over six foot tall, gray hair, formal clothing, large arms that were twice as big as your own. And his eyes were the most unique about him. His eyes were a bright blue, they looked as if they were glowing."Miss, are you okay?" You shoved away your thoughts and focused your attention back on him.

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