We have been on this journey for what seems like an eternity. We have travelled land and sea, mountains and valleys, jungles and deserts. We are exhausted. Raelyn and I have been strutting along for years without a break. We've been walking on eggshells. We are slowly losing our minds. Any wrong move could send one of us tumbling down a dark path of giving up. Losing hope.
Many years of constantly being on edge. It messes with your brain. It dims out the light inside. It smothers the happiness that flows through the brain. It fuels the demons trying to come out. It amplifies the voices screaming in your head. It adds pressure to the glass structure that is the sanity of human kind. Until eventually, it cracks.
Raelyn cracked. She sank to her knees in the middle of one the many valleys that we crossed and she started sobbing. I knew she had given up, or at least was very close to doing so. I realised there was no way I could physically help her. All I could do was talk some hope into her. To try and keep her sane. To convince her to not give up yet. To encourage her to keep going. So I did. I sat in front of her and carefully lifted her head up by placing a finger under her chin, slowly pushing upwards to guide her head up.
'Raelyn, sweetheart, look at me. Look me in the eyes. Don't give up now love. Look how far we have come. Look at all the fights we've won. You are so strong Rae. Every minute of the day you're fighting the demons in your head. Don't let them win. After every fight, give yourself time to heal. After every time you fall, pick yourself up again. You're gonna defeat them eventually. You're gonna win. And it's okay that you don't feel like that's gonna happen right now. I know you feel like you've lost. But every lost battle just means you'll be stronger in the next. It just means that you have to keep on fighting. I know you can do this love. I know you are strong. I believe in you. I love you. And I'm so proud of how far you've come. And when your final battle comes, you'll be ready to take on your demons. But until then, stay strong Raelyn. Your victory will come.'
One shots
ContoSometimes I get inspired to write one or two paragraphs of a certain scene and now you guys get to read them too. Subjects and themes vary, but most are written in first person narrative. Enjoy! The first person narrator does not have a known name...