Ultrasound and Suprize

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Bonnie POV
Today is my first ultrasound. Unfortunately Hayley can't get a normal ultrasound, so I have been using my gift and magic that doesn't need spells and can't be detected to look after the baby. Make sure I'm okay okay. We're a little late on our first ultrasound. We stopped in front of the Gynecologist doctor office, Kol has his arm around my waist. He always has to or be holding my hand. It's a reassurance that I'm safe. "Come on." I tell him we go in. The office and go up to the desk lady. "I'm Bonnie Bennett." I tell her. "Oh yes you're doctor should be out shortly." She tells me. We go have a seat Kol takes my hand. He's fidgety he only dose that when when he's nervous or anxious. "Kol, calm down we have been through this before for the past three ultrasounds. It's the same thing every time." I tell him he looks at me and I see worry and fear a very rear emotions I see in him. "I know that look what is wrong?" I asked. "You were told it would be impossible for you to ever get pregnant and if by a miracle you did, it would be difficult and hard on you. I'm just worried. I can't lose you or the baby." Kol tells me. "Your not going too ever lose me, us. We're not going anywhere." I tell him. I looked around and a lot of women were having a hard time with their hormones. Probably over heard. Ms. Bennett!" A woman called, we go with her and we're placed in a room and I lay on the bed/cheer. A woman with red hair comes in. I am dr. Hale, I will be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy. You're four months along and you switch doctors and moved. May I asked why?" Dr. Hale asked me and I swear I've heard that name before. "My fiancée family needed his help and well I'm close with them so we pact up and moved. Well Kol did the moving and heavy lifting I just made sure things were safely pact away, not trusting him with it he can barely cook or fooled his own Landry right." I explained and me and the doctor laughed at this Kol smiled though. "Okay lift up your shirt." Dr. Hale tells me and I do she placed the jell on me, then turned on the machine and moved the wand around. I take Kol's hand and he moved closer too me. "Huh, that's strange." Dr. Hale said and we panic. "What? Is something wrong?!" Kol question frantically "Oh no. It's just that you're record said one baby but there are two. You're having twins. Now this isn't uncommon to miss." Dr. Hale turned the machine so we could see better. "You can also hear their heart beats." Dr. Hale said and now I'm in tears and she must be used to this Kol is too. "Now do you want the genders?" Dr. Hale asked "yes." We said at the same time. "Okay let's see. Baby on bottom is a girl and the baby over here is a boy. One of each." She gives us the ultrasound picture.

I clean myself off and we leave and I am totally jumping for joy

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I clean myself off and we leave and I am totally jumping for joy. "So is Kol, you remember the agreement. So now we each get to name a baby." I tell him. We head home. "Tomorrow we shop.

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