baby bayou doctor

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Bonnie was laying on Kol on the couch long ways. Bonnie was reading a book, Kol was playing with her hair and rubbing her very swollen bump, Rebekah was on the computer looking for an attic, klaus was drawing. Hayley however was arguing with a witch named Agnus about an ultrasound. "I feel fine really Agnus!" Hayley argued "Your way over do for a checkup. And you have you even been to a. Doctor?" Agnus shoots at Bonnie who turned to her with a glare. "First off lose the attitude with me, second I have I go monthly." Bonnie snapped at her. "I have Bonnie do readings all the time, she can't do them on herself for her baby but she can with me. She also gives me urbal tea, and dose non magic witchy stuff." Hayley said "Just a few tricks my grams taught me. She also taught me a few ones that require magic but Kol won't let me." Bonnie said "It's for the baby, love." Kol tells her. "You know a lot of women would kill too have a child it bewildering why your not taking better care of yours." Rebekah asked she's always wanted a child so she didn't get Hayley. "I know a doctor out in the bayou, vampires would never know you were there." Agnus tells her and Bonnie started to feel one of her witchy hunches that something was wrong. "Fine baby bayou doctor it is. Bonnie you've done this before come with?" Hayley asked "Sure. I'll go." Bonnie tells Hayley who relaxes. "Just be carful when you go. I have to take care of something, so I can't go." Kol tells Bonnie with worry looking down at her. "Oh Kol I will be fine. It's just a doctor." Bonnie said looking up at him and pecking his cheek before turning back too her book. "How did you get pregnant with an original vampire? Klaus and Hayley I get but you two?" Agnus asked "Oh I'm a Bennett witch. Ancestors didn't want such a powerful and ancient line to end. Both of us were in futile, couldn't have kids and I was planning on turning after we're married and have our honey moon so the ancestors did some magic to continue the line." Bonnie explains "Wait you plan to marry a vampire and turn into one giving up your magic?!" Agnus asked in pure shock "Listen the ancestors while they don't like the idea accepted it, it's my choice. Besides their is only one person approval I cared about and Grams approved of my reasons and choice so shut up lady." Bonnie snapped at her she had already heard it from Emily, who accepted it after hearing her reasons and she heard it from everyone in mystic falls. She didn't need to hear it again.

Time skip
Hayley and Bonnie were in the bayou with Angus. "This isn't creepy at all." Hayley said "Dr.Page is only this far out because Marcel men keep on tormenting her patients. Go on in she won't bite" Agnus tells her and Bonnie open the car door scoot herself around and to the edge place her feet on the ground using the car door and side to push herself up. Finally out Hayley follow "Sorry takes a minute too get up." Bonnie tells the woman before going in with Hayley.

Hayley sat on the table. "Your baby girl is fine. Heart rate and vitals are fine." Dr. Page said "Can we have pictures. I have a scrapbooking problem." Bonnie asked and page hands her pictures which she placed in her small black purse hanging over her shoulder. "I did notice your vitals are a bit high." Dr. Page hands her pills and turned around . The girls noticed a car pool up, and in quick move of her hand dr. Page was unconscious. Bonnie locked the door Hayley climbed out first followed by a struggling Bonnie. The two girls ran for it Bonnie being six months along with twins struggled a bit and tired out quickly. The two hid behind a tree. "I-I c-can't run anymore." Bonnie huffed breathlessly leaning on a tree holding her bump. "I'll handle it." Hayley said picking up a stick Bonnie leaned on the tree and pulled out her phone texting a quick message to Kol and Rebekah for help.
S.O.S, witches, bayou, danger
She put her phone away. Rebekah showed up but ended up with a arrow in the heart.
Somehow Bonnie and Hayley got separated.
Time skip
Klaus was mad, Rebekah was worried and Kol was in full blown panic. "Glad you could take a break from global domination to help your family on an off day." Rebekah said too klaus "Where are they Rebekah?" Klaus demanded ignoring a pacing Kol. "I don't know." Rebekah said "What do you mean you don't know!?" Kol yells at Rebekah "I had an arrow in my heart! When I came to the witches were ripped to shreds and the two pregnant girls nowhere to be seen!" Rebekah yells "Then where are they?" Klaus asked nobody "Now that we've established I'm a failure of a friend, a sister, an aunt and sister in law can we please find them! Bonnie didn't look too good when I saw her before I got shot!" Rebekah was now panicking then they heard a wolf howling. "Oh fantastic maybe Hayley cousins will know where she they are." Klaus said.

The three Mikaelsons stood by the car's, when too very tired looking girls walking out of the woods in a haze. Bonnie was holding onto her baby bump, Kol was by Bonnie in a second and lifting her into his arms bridal stile carful of her stomach. Hayley walked to klaus. "Hayley what happened?" Klaus asked "I think it was wolf, I think it was protecting me." Hayley said "Makes since. Do to your heritage." Bonnie mumbled tiredly. "The witches are were supposed to protect you! You're completely heeled." Klaus said notice the wounds had heeled. "I'm a werewolf I heel fast." Hayley said "Not that fast." Klaus commented "Besides Bonnie is completely heeled as well." Kol said "The babies. Those babies share their blood with you both, the blood of an original vampire." Rebekah said
Time skip
Out of fear for the baby while the others went home Kol took Bonnie to the emergency room. The doctor did test and an ultrasound and told him they just panicked. So now finally they went to their home and Kol carries Bonnie too their room, Kol gets into black sweat pants no shirt, while Bonnie struggled changing mumbling about getting fat and wanting the babies out already. She finally changed into he Panama's

(You can see her bump more)The two got into bed and Kol wrapped his arms securely but gently around her and she cuddled into him

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(You can see her bump more)
The two got into bed and Kol wrapped his arms securely but gently around her and she cuddled into him.

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