One scary witch

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Bonnie smiled at Kol. "I love it and I'm impressed." Bonnie told him making him grin. "Good I also thought we should wait until we know what the gender is to put the nursery together. Well I'll do the putting things together and moving heavy things you can decorate and tell me where to put stuff. Heavy lifting isn't good for the baby, neither is stress, or powerful spells, making potions is bad as well." Kol listed, Bonnie eyes widened. "How do you know this?" Bonnie asked supersized at her fiancé knowing this. "Well I looked the first half the second part about magic I looked it up in a pregnancy for witches guide." Kol told her. "Well first order of business plantation house then we go baby shopping. I also want to start preparing. Don't argue." Bonnie shut Kol up quickly he knew not to argue with a pregnant woman he found that out on a first time dad's manual, that he's not telling Bonnie about or it's also where he found out about the lifting and stress. " I'm glad that your happy about the baby. I was worried you wouldn't be." Bonnie tells Kol who stopped her from walking. "Why would you think I wouldn't be?" Kol asked "I thousand that maybe you wouldn't want a kid or maybe you wouldn't believe the baby was yours. I don't know I was scared." Bonnie tells Kol not looking at him but the ground she knows it's not uncommon behavior for women to think this or over react. "I love you more than anything Bonnie. Unlike my siblings I know what magic is capable of especially the ancestors, I know that they wouldn't want such a powerful and ancient witch line to end with you. I know you were un-futile before. I also know you not like that. You are my always and forever got that." Kol tells Bonnie who looks at him smiling and crying. "Stupid pregnancy hormones." Bonnie said rubbing her eyes. Kol cup her face and wrapping one arm around her waist and kisses he gently yet passionately. "I love you too Kol. Just so you know you're my always and forever too." Bonnie said Kol then lead her outside and closed the door locking it. He gently swooped her into his arms bridal stile, Bonnie through her arms around his neck tucked her face into his chest. Kol then sped off he always waited for Bonnie too be ready before speeding off. In minutes he was at the plantation he sat her on her feet gently but kept an arm around her. "I hate vampire speed." Bonnie grumbles as she let's go once she's got her bearings back. Kol and Bonnie walked into the house. "Rebekah, Elijah, Nik we're here!" Kol yells and Rebekah and Nik sped into the living room. "Where's Elijah?" Kol asked "Our bastard of a brother daggered him and handed him over too Marcel." Rebekah tells them. Throwing him under the bus to Bonnie. Who he geared. "YOU WHAT!!? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!? YOU DON'T GIVE FAMILY AWAY!!!" Bonnie yells at klaus who has a terrified look on his face he knows very well what Bonnie is capable of especially when mad he also knows her and Elijah were friends. "I d-didn't have a choice Marcel d-didn't trust me. I needed him too in order too...." klaus is cut off. "No Everyone Has A Choice! It's One Thing Too Dagger Them, Which Isn't Right Anyway But To Bargain Them Off That's Over The Line! How Many Times Are Your Siblings Especially Elijah Going Too Forgive You!?" Bonnie lectures and yells at Nik who looks like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Rebekah and Kol stood by the door and out of the line of fire and away from Bonnies wrath knowing of what she's like when she has lost her temper, and what she can do. They were also afraid of an angry Bonnie as was klaus even if he wouldn't emit it. Hayley watched from the balcony both scared, confused, empress. Hayley felt like she's seen this woman before. " I am sorry. I'm trying to get him back. I know it was wrong." Klaus emits knowing it's probably his only chance at survival of her wrath. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to. Just so you know actions speak louder than an empty apology." Bonnie scolded "You have one month to get your brother back from this Marcel guy or I will. We all know what I can do and know that if I need to I will get violent, and Marcel and his army will be lucky to survive. I protect my friends and family, Elijah is both. Get him back." Bonnie worn's klaus and now all three mikaelson siblings are worried for many reasons "you best get our brother back or Bonnie will keep her promise." Rebekah whispered lowly do only her brothers would hear. "Hello, Hayley. I'm Bonnie Bennett Kol's pregnant fiancée." Bonnie tells the werewolf who's eyes widened "Your that witch from mystic falls!? How are you pregnant?" Hayley asked "Magic of the ancestors sweetie. Now if you want I can do a reading." Bonnie tells Hayley who looks confused "Witches can't do magic or they are killed." Hayley replied and Kol gets a smirk at everyone confused faces. "Oh it's not magic. You see I inherited something only a Bennett witch can. The gift of sight or basically I get small visions when I concentrate on what too look for." Bonnie explains "Just come here and give me your hand." Bonnie ordered Hayley shrugged and did as told. Bonnie took her hand and closed her eyes. 'First she see's a wolf, then Klaus as a hybrid, then Hayley, then a baby wrapped in pink with the word princess on it.' Bonnie opened her eyes. "Well the witches weren't lying you really did get pregnant with Nik's baby. Second your having a girl." Bonnie tells Hayley who smiled "That's great I'm not having a mini klaus!" Hayley exclaimed "Why did you look too see if it really is Nik's baby?" Kol asked "Your brother is paranoid as they come. He puts his own siblings in boxes and wonders why they get mad or retaliate. No way dose he fully believe and trust the witches in New Orleans about this baby, even if he secretly wants it." Bonnie explains Kol snickered and Rebekah smirked. "She's got you there Nik." Rebekah said. "Thank you." Klaus said too Bonnie "You're welcome."


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