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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I walked into the house. Tired was an understatement. i had just completed a running course in the pouring ran.  closing the door behind me i locked and put in the passcode. 

taking of my shoes i placed them to the side before walking into the kitchen were my brother and his friends were laughing their ass off.

ignoring their presence i walked to the fridge grabbing a water and downing it. Only looking up at them when the room got silent, they all stared at me. i was soaked had on running shorts that fit loosely with an oversized tee. sports bra underneath and ankle weights drenched in water wrapped around my ankle.

"sis when are you gonna stop those routines? your 19 now finally finish with school. Don't you want to go to college and have fun?"

i rolled my eyes throwing the empty water bottle away.

Me: Yooni i hated high school what makes you think I'll like college. plus you have more than enough fun for the both of us.

He chuckled.

Yooni: your right... but i still don't want you in this type of lifestyle. I know dad wouldn't mind it if you decided against it either... come on we can put you in a great school just pick one.

i forcefully shook my head bending down to remove the weights from around my ankles.

I was Bia Woo. step sister of Yooni Woo and stepdaughter of Mr. Woo himself. My mother had married Mr.Woo when i was 5. him and yooni are all i've ever known and all i have left. I was never much of an outgoing person, very calm and laid back chill. After my mom died I got even more closed off. 

even though we were very different Yooni always loved me as his baby sis. When people would pick on me for being black and in the woo family yooni would lose his temper and kick their ass. Mr.Woo was head of the "woo clan" mafia.

After my mom died and all i did was go to school and come home sitting alone in my bed, he offered to pay for me to participate in extra curriculum activities. Not wanting me to be alone by myself since yooni was always out partying. Of course i'd have to have a body guard with me at all times. 

Yooni was a wild card, most of his friends at school were in young boys who were his fathers clan. After yooni graduated girls would try to get closed to me hoping It'd give them a reason to come over and see or be around him, since they couldn't flock to him around campus anymore. but i shut that down quickly.

deciding to take self-defense classes, i had Mr.Woo put me in every type available. In a way fighting was relaxing. A stress release if you will. I've had so much anger built from my mom's death, it just sorta became natural to express myself thru my fist. 

the Morning of last day of school i told Mr.Woo i wanted to be in the clan. he was shocked. He never once brought it up to me. It wasn't something he'd thought i'd agree to an ultimately turned me away saying he couldn't let me get into harms way and that my mother would never forgive him. 

so i worked hard. very hard. i told them i was taking a "gap" year. for the whole next year i did nothing but train. sometimes in harsh conditions. I learned how to use a gun and several other weapons. On my 19th birthday i asked Mr.Woo to let me join again. He said no. But gave me a mission told me if i could complete it without him having to send a team in to back me up he'll consider it.

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