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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I watched as Matthew walked into the room closing the door behind him.

Mr.WOO: yes Matthew, it seems now is the right time to decide your placement amongst the woo clan... 

he looked over at me and yooni, and i quickly pushed off yooni shoving him one more time before going to get up, Bm reached his hand down to help me but i slapped it away standing up myself and fixed my clothes. 

i walked back over to pops desk while yooni whined that Bm could have offered to help him up too.

Mr.WOO: as i was saying... i think it's best if you stay with the woo clan. I owe you that much being your father was a very good friend of my wife. In truth he was almost like family.

i huffed

Me: yeah Mr. Kim was but he's not!! we still barely know him.

Yooni: bia, chill... thats not fair and you know it. 

Me: NO! honestly how much do we really know about him?

Yooni: Ma wouldn't want you to treat Matthew like this and you know it.

i went to speak up but stopped putting my head down when he mentioned my mother.....

gosh i miss her.

Mr.WOO: and Mr. Kim would have done the same for you Bia.... am i right?

i looked up and they all were looking at me.

i nodded looking away.

Mr.WOO: well then, instead of putting you up front with the actual clan you'll work under me with my children... i assume Yooni will be more than happy to accept you into his crew?

my head popped up once yooni spoke.

Yooni: actually pops.... no. Not this time. I think he should work under Bia. Im getting worried about her doing missions alone and who knows maybe this is the start to her having her own crew under the woo clan finally. Lord knows she refuses to keeping working with me and my guys.

i closed my eyes tapping my foot up and down fast trying to control my anger. 

Mr.WOO: Bia?? do you have anything to say

Pops asked looking over my way. i opened my eyes facing him refusing to look at either Bm or yooni. i kept a straight face but gave him puppy dog eyes begging him to say no to yooni's proposal. 

i would try to argue my case but knowing him, he'd find a way to continue to go around my thoughts until i agree. it was up to pops to decided tho.

Mr.Woo nodded. 

Mr.Woo: well then i guess it's settled. Matthew you'll be working with Bia from here on out. 

bm nodded and went to shake my hand but i got up walking around him and out of the room...

i heard yooni calling for me but i kept walking. i needed to be alone.

call me what you want but everything in me is screaming not to trust him................

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