Rescue me

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Getting home last week was tough. Just like predicted, Ashe and Lissy both were drunker than a pirate and Tina had to drive everyone home. I sometimes do wonder if Tina wants to have a drink or two but she always refuses saying she "has a responsibility to look out for y'all, who else is going to tell the bartender to bug off when Lissy pukes on him." I would take up that responsibility of driving everyone to and back home from places, if only I wasn't so afraid to drive. Tina has been a good friend to all of us and I wish that she would understand my dislike for the mating ceremony but unfortunately, it seems no one does.

Tina wants us to go out again, this evening actually. She has started to act like once we find our mate that we won't ever hang out again. Maybe at first, they most likely will be consumed with the excitement and overwhelming feeling with a mate but after all that dials down, we'll be back to normal....right?

With the preparations for the ceremony consuming most of the pack, they have delayed the huge meeting for the wolves finding their mate. During this meeting, the soon to be previous Luna will speak separately to the male and females about how the ceremony will plan out.

I shouldn't have to go really, I've heard way too much from both of my older sisters, Hyacinth and Eloise. They have already gossiped about how it went for them more than I can count on both of my hands but they were both lucky to find a good mate. Eloise got mated to her middle school crush, Killian and Hyacinth was paired with, now one of the warrior soldiers, Taylor.

My sisters have repeated many times that on the day of the meeting, when you arrive the boys and the girls are separated immediately and the girls are the first to be talked to. The Luna will explain how we will find our mate and so on and so forth. There is also another thing every she-wolf is ecstatic about, the ballgown dresses. The attire of this whole event, of course is fancy but especially for the wolves getting mated that night. Expensive, overwhelming dresses are required for the females and for the males, a tux is efficient.

A text appeared on my lock screen a few seconds ago, notifying me that Tina is on her way. This might sound bad, but some days I just wish my mother would stop me from going out but unfortunately as long as I stay on pack grounds, she's fine with me roaming around with my friends.

A loud honk from outside pulled my attention away from my thoughts. I hurried over to my window and pulled down the blinds, Tina's car was parked in front of my house. Trying not to keep her and her lack of patience waiting, I stumbled down the stairs of my house almost tripping on the many shoes Hyacinth refuses to put away. Without saying bye to anyone, I swung the front door open and ran out to the silver car. I caught a glimpse of a shadow in the front seat through Tina's tinted windows so I just jumped into the back.

"Let's get this show on the road!!!!" Lissy shouted from next to me. She had a brown, weaved basket settling in her lap and she clutched on it like her wolf life depended on it. That would be our picnic basket full of food, that is if Lissy doesn't gobble it up like normal.

Tina starts up the car and pulls away and like normal, I stare out of the window. I never look for anything in particular, it just seems like I'm missing so much just watching the trees go by so fast and I can't stop to observe them. When I'm wolfed out it's different, way different. You're aware of everything around you and the feeling of the night wind flowing through your fur just makes you, but I prefer not too. My mother says that I shouldn't suppress that side of myself and I should allow it to be a constant part of my life but I choose not to. Don't get me wrong I don't hate being a wolf, it's just the transformation process is painful.

Every wolf in the pack can choose when to turn, a gift from the moon goddess herself but not all packs have that privilege. Turning, well, it breaks every bone in your body and if you don't strip completely naked before turning, you're ruining every single article of fabric that you had worn.

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