|Chapter 17|

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"Oh come on Cole you've got to tell him sometime soon," Kai groans leaning up against the hallway wall. Cole shook his head with a sigh, a blush slightly appearing on the boy's face. Cole rubbed his temple aggravated. "Kai, you and I both know he doesn't like me," The Earth Ninja states sluggishly rubbing his eyes. Kai shook his head helplessly. The Hot-Headed boy let out a sigh that turned into a small laugh. 

"Hey, what's so funny?" Cole asked confused at his teammate's amusement. Kai shook his head with a slight grin on his face. "Cole, buddy, you just gotta ask Zane out. It won't help if you sit here talking to me," The Red Ninja said with a small smirk on his face. "Plus we all know I have the worst advice," He chuckled at his own sentence. Cole shook his head with a smile. "Yeah, Kai, we all know that one," He said patting the Hot-Head on the shoulder. 

"Although seriously you've got to ask him sometime. And also do you know when we're leaving here?" Kai asked before turning away to leave. Cole shook his head unknowingly. "I have no clue when we're leaving. It's got to be sometime soon though Ninjago City still needs us to protect them," Cole stated, Kai, shaking his head soon after. 

The two left it at that and went their separate ways. Cole shook his head in dissatisfaction making his way down the long hallway. The Prince was getting annoyed by everything being done for him. The maid would come around and do a sweep of all the rooms and ask the boy if he needed anything. It got annoying after awhile. Not to mention the never-ending palace they were staying in. He felt as if it went on forever not remembering the ways to go. The guards that stood like statues protecting the stronger male of anything that could do the smallest amount of damage to him started to annoy the Master of Earth. 

"Maybe I wasn't cut out for the royal life," The boy whispered to himself. He had to be cautious training with the others being constantly warned not to get hurt from the sparring sessions with the others. He let out an anxious huff of air as he continued to walk down the hall. He stopped in his tracks when he saw his mom across the hall talking to Sam one of the guards picked to get him and his friends and take the journey to his mother. 

Lilly turned her head and her face lit up with a smile. "Cole it's great to see you," She said brightly shooing Sam away with a small smile. She seemed to get what the queen was pointing out and continued her way down the hall away from the two. "What are you still doing up, Sweetheart?" She asked looking up towards her taller son. He shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to speak with you mom," He said rubbing the back of his neck not looking towards his newly found mother. She turned her head confusingly, "About what Cole? Is something wrong?" She asked with that usual worried mother tone.

"My friends and I will be leaving sometime soon. We've got to get back to Ninjago City and protect them," He said with a saddened tone. Yes, Cole didn't want to leave his mother that he had missed so dearly, but he took an oath as a Ninja he couldn't give it up. He could see the obvious sadness in his mother's eyes. "I-I see," Her voice cracked. "That's alright. I know you've got your duties as a Ninja and I honestly just took you with little information," Lilly chuckled. He shook his head. "Mom I'm really happy I got to see you really I am, but Ninjago is my home I've got to go back to it," Cole states with an upset tone.

She shook her head in understanding. "I know Sweetheart, but at least stay for dinner tomorrow?" Lilly asks her eyes full of hope. Cole shook his head accepting, "Of course I will mother." Lilly smiled with pure joy. Her eyes twinkled in happiness. 

Cole shook his head with a smile looking at his mother's reaction. "I should head to bed mother. I'll talk to you in the morning," Cole smiles tiredly, rubbing his eyes once again. She nods and the two went their opposite ways. 

It didn't take long for Cole to get to his shared room with Zane. Cole opened the shared bedroom door before closing it soon after. Zane looked up from the book he was reading taking notice that Cole entered the room. "Good afternoon Cole," Zane says all too politely. Like usual. A light blush appeared on Cole's face. Though the blush soon faded and a small smile appeared. "What are you still doing up? It's almost 12 o'clock," Cole asks the Ice Ninja who is usually asleep by 10. 

Zane shrugged his shoulders unknowingly. "I was reading," The Master of Ice started before he continued his sentence, "and waiting for you to return." Cole perked up at the end. "Why would you wait for me to come back? You should've known I was going to be a bit," Cole chuckles. Zane shrugged again. "Oh, I don't know. It's not like people are out there for our necks. Anything could've happened to you really," Zane says with a small smirk. He took notice of a light crimson blush appearing on the older boy's face. 

"I guess that's true, though no one knows we are even here," Cole states with a long yawn appearing afterward. Zane nodded his head in agreeance. "Of course they don't most are locked in Krypterium Prison," The Master of Ice points out with a grin. Cole shook his head and sat down comfortably on his bed. "We are leaving tomorrow afternoon. My mom wants us to have dinner with her before we leave back for Ninjago," Cole mentions now in a laying position. Cole could hear him let out a hum in agreeance.

Cole got comfortable on his sloppily made bed. He easily turned from his back to his side as he continued getting into a comfortable position. He adjusted the pillow that sat loosely underneath his head, propping it up the perfect amount. His eyes fluttered closed, tired from the day. 

Zane continued to read until soft snores were heard from his sleeping teammate. He knew about the difficulties he was having staying in this place. Although Zane found it sort of funny how easily Cole got lost in the Palace. The others didn't seem to have a problem remembering where to go though Cole easily forgot things here or there. This mostly started happening after he turned back from being a ghost. The Master of Earth would forget simple, small things all at different times.

Zane glanced at his teammate across the room. Cole didn't even bother to cover himself with his comforter. "I guess he really was that tired," Zane mumbled to himself, shaking his head with a chuckle. Zane placed his book down making a mental note of what page he was reading and stood up. He walked over quietly towards his sleeping teammate and gently grabbed his comforter. Zane placed it on top of Cole's frame making sure the blanket didn't block his face. 

Zane looked at the alarm clock that sat on his nightstand. "12:19," Zane mumbled to himself. He grabbed his book and placed it next to the alarm clock and decided he should head to bed himself. 


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