|Chapter 10|Movie night? Sorta?

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No pov

A groan escaped Cole's mouth as his eyes fluttered open. Well semi-open anyways.

Cole painfully pushed himself up into a sitting position on his bed.

His whole body felt like jello. He has a stuffy nose and a throbbing headache.

"That's a way to wake up." Cole rolled his eyes whispering to himself.

The clock that sat next to him on his night stand showed a green light.

"8:19" Cole mumbled. "What the fuck happened?" Cole groggily asks himself standing up.

Cole slowly walked to his door opening it. The door made a small creeking sound while opening.

The lights were off, all but the game room T.V.

Cole slowly walks over there not wanting to fall from his jello feeling legs.

The others were watching a movie. Im pretty sure it's Big Hero 6.

Cole chuckles, "Probably Jay's pick." He whispers to himself.

Zane took notice of Cole and gave a smile and wave.

Cole smiles back and sits on the floor in between Zane's legs. At first that made Zane a bit uncomfortable, but it soon was relaxing.

Zane played with Coles raven black hair as they watched the movie.

A blush appeared on both their faces as this continued on throughout the movie.

A small yawn came from Cole as he leaded his head back on top the cushion on the couch.

Cole's eyes fluttered close as Zane continued to play with the smaller boys hair.

This made Zane chuckle a bit. His eyes turned back to the movie.

Although he wasn't really paying attention. He was thinking about Cole's room.

Why.. did Cole have all that stuff in his room? It did make the Master of Ice curious of Cole.

Even about his past Zane started to get curious about. He had remembered the waitress saying she fixed a scar just like Cole's. Also Cole has no idea where he got that scar from.

This whole thing made Zane wonder. Where did Cole come from? He had never met his mother and his father passed at a small age.

Obviously all of them didn't know their parents very well. The three had met their parents or at least one of them.

Cole completely forgot about his whole past before he lived at the Monastery. Zane questions if he should ask Sensei more about Cole's past.

As Zane was about to stand up he remembers Cole who had fallen asleep between his legs. A blush slipped upon Zane's cheeks and ears.

Zane quickly shakes his head and the blush slowly fades. Zane could easily move his legs and leave, but Cole's head made its way leaning on Zane's knee. If Zane does move his legs Cole would definitely wake up and he would not be happy about that.

The movie was long from over the credits passing by slowly. Jay and Kai were asleep on the couch. Jay laying down on Kai's lap.

Zane's head perked up. The Monastery door opened. "H-Hello?" Zane asked sheepishly.

A blonde wearing a green hoodie and grey ripped jeans looked through the game room doorframe.

"Oh greetings Lloyd, how was your trip to your parents?" Zane asks.

Lloyd looked over and chuckled looking at Cole. "It was good Zane, but I think you have a earth problem." Lloyd mentioned.

"I am aware of Cole's presence, he has not been feeling well the past few days." Zane specifies. Lloyd nods.

"I'm going to tell Uncle Wu I'm back, cya Zane." Lloyd waves walking from Zane's vision.

Zane sighs he was now stuck in one place. Not being tired Zane waited. A long time. About 3 hours to be exact.

It was now around 11:00 at night. Zane slowly drifted off to sleep.

As Zane fell asleep Jay soon woke up. His eyes flickered open quickly. Jay ended up hitting Kai in the head with his own. Jay and Kai groan. Jay holding his forehead and Kai holding his nose.

"C'mon Zaptrap what the fuck?" Kai questions. Jay looks at Kai. "Kai I'm sorry, I didn't mean too I swear!"

Kai rolls his eyes. "It's okay babe don't worry about it." Kai gave
Jay a quick peck on the lips before standing up.

A blush appeared on Jay's freckled face. Kai started stretching his sore limbs. A crack coming from Kai's back.

"What time is it Zaptrap?" Kai asks turning to the small boy sitting under a blanket.

Jay looks up with a small blush, soon looking down to his watch. "11:28. Why?" Jay asks.

"Eh just wondering." A groan comes from Kai. "Damn I just remembered we have training tomorrow, and it's sparring."

Jay soon get up next to Kai. "If were partnered wanna go easy on me?" Jay asks sheepishly. "When have I ever gone easy on you babe?" Kai wonders.

Jay smirks. "I mean in bed you went easy on me." Kai looked over at Jay. A large blush on Kai's cheeks. "U-uh.. erm.. eh?" Jay chuckles and kissed Kai leaving.


The sun came up not waking the five ninja up. "Evil never sleeps, neither should you!" Sensei Wu shouts banging his gong.

A small groan was heard from Cole and Zane. Cole's eyes fluttered open. A yawn came from the ninja as he stood up. Cole back hurt like a bitch. "Why did I sleep there?"

Cole looks back at the chair to see a small blonde sleeping soundly.

Cole smiled. "C'mon Zane it's time to wake up for training." Cole says shaking he boys shoulder.

A small groan came from Zane. "Nooo~" Zane mumbled.

Cole rolled his eyes. He slipped his arms underneath the master of ice. A small gasp came from him. "C-cole!" Zane blushes.

"What... What are you doing?!" Zane asks. "Well you wouldn't get up so." Cole smiled.

"W-well can you please sit me down?" Zane asks. Cole nods putting the boy down on his feet.

"Thank you Cole." Zane says before heading to his room.

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