|Chapter 2|Adventures

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"Don't worry little bro I'll protect you no matter what"

|Chapter 2|Adventures|

No Pov

"Sam. Sammy wake up." Ben shakes her. Sam groans. "What Ben?" She asks rubbing her eyes. "We have to get going so wake Prince Cole up." Ben says walking back outside of the tent. "Alright then." Sam crawls over to Cole. "Cole buddy it's time to wake up we have a big day ahead of us." Sam shakes Cole lightly. "Mkay Sam." Cole yawns rubbing his eyes. "Let's pack up our things and go alright?" Sam asks. Cole nods. Sam's heads to her sleeping bag and rolls it up, Cole copying what she was doing. "Let's go." Sam grabs hers and Cole's wrapped up sleeping bag. Cole runs over to his plush and grabs it quickly and runs back out the tent. "Get the tent Ben we will meet you at the pathway." Sam says. "C'mon Cole was a piggy back ride?" Sam smiles. "Yeah!" Cole yells and runs to the crouching Sam. He climbs on her back and wraps his arms around her neck. Ben finishes getting the tent and he runs to Cole and Sam. "Let's go." He sighed and they started walking. Cole got to see a lot of things as they were walking. Most he was very fascinated in. The one he loved the most was the snowy birch wood forest. He thought it was beautiful. Sam and Ben took Cole into the forest for a few minutes as he played in the snow. Cole got a snowball and threw it at Ben. "Hey! What did I do?" Ben laughs. "Snowball!" Is all Cole said. His eyes sparkled bright while he was there. "Alright let's get going." Sam said. "Awe alright Sammy." Cole sighed. "Don't be like that Cole you know we have a long journey. You can see other stuff while we go alright?" Sam said looking at the moping boy. "Yeah, but this one will be my favorite." Cole giggled. Ben laughed from behind us. "Alright so if we don't get off track we should get there by tomorrow afternoon." Ben said looking at his map. "That's good." Sam sighed. "You ready to see your dad bud?" Ben said ruffling Cole's hair. "Yeah!" Cole giggles. "Good." Sam laughs.

They traveled to many different areas. Most of them were in their road so they just went through them. The places were really fascinating to Cole. They saw an abandoned Village which was Sam's favorite place they saw. It was broken down and vines were growing everywhere. "I want to know how long it's been like this." Sam wondered. They even had to go through Echo Canyon. Ben lead them the wrong way and had to turn back, which made them lose time. They even saw Jamanakai Village on their way. They were thinking about stopping for awhile, but they had way too far to go. "Cole wanna hear a story?" Sam asks as she steps through the sand. "Yeah what is it." Cole asks sitting on Ben's shoulders. "Out in these deserts their are rumours of a lost City.  No one has ever found it nor would look. It's almost too impossible to find." Sam said looking around the empty desert. "Woah really?" Cole gasps. "Yep in the legends they said the place was beautiful. Also there is something called the great devourer." Sam sighed. "What's the great devourer?" Cole asks his head tilted a bit. "The great devourer was a monstrous snake that was worshipped by other snakes called the Serpentine. To these Serpentines he was a god, believed to consume all creation of left unchecked. To the legends it can only be released if the Serpentine tribes unite and found four silver Fangblades." Sam explains. "That's so cool!" Cole shouts. "Cool yes bad also a yes. If this was to happen all man kind would be gone." Sam sighed. "That's bad." Cole whispered. "Your right it's bad." Ben said. They all continued walking in silence.

|3 hours later|

"I'm bored!" Cole sighed in a yelling tone. "We're almost out of the desert then we will set up camp Prince." Ben said. "Fine, but when will we make it to my dad's again?" Cole asked. "Since we didn't take any breaks only five minutes for food and also got lost once umm tomorrow somewhere around 12 or so?" Ben tried to estimate. "Yes!" Cole shouted. They continued walking until they finally got out of the desert. Cole was looking back at a junkyard named 'Ed and Edna's Scrap n' Junk. Cole was curious why a junk yard was so far out in the desert. He ignored it when he was sat down by Ben. "Finally my feet hurt!" Cole wined. "Prince you didn't even walk." Ben rolled his eyes at Cole. "Still I walked a bit." He said sitting in the grass. "Yeah like three hours ago." Sam said getting the sleeping bags out. "We have fruit to eat then tomorrow we can stop somewhere to eat." Sam said putting the sleeping bags out. "That's fine." Cole said grabbing his helicopter. Ben sat down to set a fire. Using the extra sticks from last time. Cole played with his helicopter suddenly getting distracted by the sunset. He just stared at it. "Beautiful isn't it?" Sam asked. Cole nodded. "You can't see the sunset over the kingdom walls." Sam sighed. "Here this is for you." Sam gave Cole (Whatever Fruit) "Thank you Sammy." Cole smiled. Cole sat his toys to the side and ate his (Whatever Fruit). "No problem Prince and Ben get some sleep I'll watch over him." Ben nodded and get in his sleeping bag. After Cole finished his fruit he got in his sleeping bag. "Don't worry Cole you will be home by tomorrow." Sam sighed. "Night Sam." "Goodnight Cole." Sam whispered back. She looked up at the stars now forming in the night sky. "I'll come back for you no matter what Cole."

|Story Word Count|1001

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