|Chapter 19|

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The dining room was silent for the time being. Although there were small, quiet conversations here or there. Most were questions about what was happening. Though there was the occasional chuckle from Jay and Lloyd.

Cole's mother's absence worried him. His elbow was propped on the table as his head was placed on the palm of his hand. Minutes passed slowly. It seemed as Cole checked his phone every minute which felt like hours.

He let out a sigh leaving back on his chair. "When do you guys think she will be back?" Cole questioned to no one in particular. Zane let out a small hum.

"Being as she hasn't been back for about fifteen minutes," he paused holding a stern face, thinking. "She should be back in about 10 minutes or less," Zane states facing Cole. Cole only nodded in understanding as he impatiently waited for his mother's arrival.

It wasn't too much longer until Lily finally walked through the doors. "Ah, sorry everyone. I got a bit caught up in work. I'll let the cooks prepare dinner for later while you all can go amongst your selves this evening," Lily said with a growing smile. 

All but Zane and Cole left the dining room. "What took you so long Mother? Is something wrong?" Cole questioned, worried if anything has happened. Lily smiled and shook her head. "Of course not honey. Everything is fine. There is just a bit of work I forgot to do that I need to catch up on," Lily explained to a relieved Cole. 

The Master of Earth shook his head in understanding before he and Zane made their way out of the dining room. Zane could've sworn he caught an upset look on the queen's face, but he wasn't all that sure. So the Master of Ice just put it off. Which was unlike him most of the time. For now, he wanted to spend some time in the Village. They had explored everywhere around the palace but not the village that was newly built in front of the giant royal building.

"Do you want to go to the village?" Zane brought up as the two walked towards the main hall towards the doors. Cole nodded with a smile, "Sure why not. It'd be cool to see the people." Cole's eyes lit up at an idea. "Maybe there's a bakery! I could try some of their cake," Cole shouted, excited at his own thoughts of cake. 

Zane chuckled in response. "Well, It couldn't be as good as mine, now can it?" Zane asked smugly facing his teammate. Cole smiled as the two walked down the cobblestone paths. "Of course not Frosty. Your cake would always and forever be the best I've ever tasted," The Master of Earth complimented. 

Zane couldn't help but blush slightly at the compliment. He knew he was a good cook and it satisfied the others at an extreme rate. Though he had always thought his cooking would be as good as any others. He had just picked up the talent randomly and improved from there on out. Though if the others compliment his food and even got a "Your food might as well be considered godly." Courtesy of Jay. He knew he was pretty talented when it came to cooking.

Zane jumped out of his thoughts at the sounds of small laughter and talking. Though partially rushing. It wasn't all that big of a town, but there were plenty of people. Cole looked around for his one destination, The Bakery. Multiple people waved or said Hi to the two passing by which they gladly returned. 

There were multiple market places that Zane and Cole would stop by to see. Maybe Zane could take some to make a new dish perhaps, but he decided against it. Multiple senses filled their noses. Mostly of baked goods or other foods. There were multiple children playing running across the busy cobble road. Though they paid no mind to the rushing people as they were caught up too much in their small roleplaying game to be concerned. 

"Let's look for the bakery. I want some type of sweets in my system," Cole said with a smile looking towards the wooden signs that said the names of the stores and places. Though Cole wanted to see a Bakery sign he saw a Library one instead. It caught his interest in a slight moment, but he continued walking. 

It wasn't too long before the two stopped in front of a door that had a sign that said the word 'Bakery.' Cole was all too excited unable to stand still. He hadn't had a single sweet the entire time visiting his mother and he wanted to savor the sugary flavors. The two walked into the smell of multiple pastries being baked. 

Some were for to show while others were to be ordered and eaten. The place was fairly nice and busy all to Coles disappointment. 

Its a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I still hope you all enjoyed!

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