The Cold

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Dark POV

Damn it!I just can't believe this! "Cough cough!" Fuck!I heard my throne room door open.It was (Y/n),she looked stunning and I don't use it lightly.Every single day since I punished her...She's become more and more delectable.I-


Your POV

Dark was coughing badly.You felt like it was somehow it was your fault,since stress is one way of getting sick.Plus ever since his little game with you it made feel like getting your revenge.So ever since then you dressed up for him in the cutest outfits possible,it was actually worth it until a couple days ago. "cough cough!"

Your head shot up to the man in the throne. "Dark. I know you aren't fine and I won't risk you lying to me." There was a shocked feature upon the man infront of you. "Dark... Go straight to bed. I'll take care of you." hearing a snicker from him then a slight cough.

"Sounds like a plan princess.I'll follow your orders." he bowed as it seemed he was mocking you.


Dark POV

I don't know why I was acting like this.She was offering to help me,all I seem to be doing was being rude. "Look if you're going to be like this then I won't help you. " she demanded my obedience.I laughed in my thoughts because the cost where too extreme.

I nodded my head because I realized every single time I try to talk I would cough.This was going to be a long day.(Y/n) ordered me to my room while she was following me close behind.Well,I would say more of push me from behind than follow me.My sixth sense,teleportation,and the others senses get screwed up when I'm sick.Which is very very very rare!I guess I can say that I love her now...She won't believe me of course because she'll think it's the fever.Oh,I'm in a predicament...


Narrator POV

Dark was willingly obedient when he laid down.It was he was held down by some unknown force and this feeling made the coughing fit active every few hours.(Y/n) was relieved to have Dark at least eating a whole bowl of soup,that was good enough for her. 'I need to get it off my chest.It is a true feeling I have for her...What if she rejects?!?!' Dark was thinking as his eyes got heavy.

Coughing on purpose to get (Y/n) attention,it was successful. "(Y/n)...I love you...No game." he fell asleep not able to see (Y/n) blushing face.

She had fallen for him as well but it was because she knew he had a sweet side.He was hiding it because he thought fear was the only way to rule.She didn't know how right she was.

After a couple of hours (Y/n) was getting tired.She looked at Dark "It can't hurt sleeping with him...Just to keep him company..." she started to lay down.When her mom was alive,she always gave (Y/n) a kiss on the forehead,before resting with (Y/n).Whenever her mom did that She felt better the next day.So she leaned to Dark's forehead and kissed it lightly.Just then Dark's arms snaked around her waist.Taken from surprise she jumped,relaxing a bit into his hold.He faced her direction and (Y/n) faced his but she was faced into his chest.Taking in Dark's scent she fell asleep unknowingly Dark was taking in hers.

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