A Runaway

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Your name= (Y/n) First name= (F/n) Middle name= (M/n) Last name= (L/n)Eye color= (E/c) Hair length= (H/l) Hair color= (H/c)Now were done with that.We will start.


Your POV

Running away from home you once knew and into the dark part of the forest.You have been physically abused by your father and your poor mother was dead because of him.Living in Hyrule you heard there were monsters in these woods.You would rather die to them than die to him anyday.Not looking where you were going you bumped into somebody,who would be out here?It's creepy and it would give anyone the spooks.Falling backwards onto the floor gasping for air.

"Ah,what is a little black rose doing here?" it was a male and it sounded like he was smirking.Quickly getting up "I-I'm sorry s-sir. I-" being cut off by a voice sharp as knives and a sound you wanted to run away from. "(Y/N)!!!WHERE ARE YOU!?!YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

Trembling and needing to run but couldn't.Slowing walking backwards and dread filled your features "Please...no..." The stanger held onto your wrist,which was bruised but hidden due to the darkness,you hissed in pain. "Please! Let go! H-He will kill me!" crying to the stranger.You then felt warm breathing next to your ear making your eyes shoot open.

"No he won't.Just obey me right now and everything will be fine okay?" finally getting a better look at him.He looked like that green guy that always hung out with the princess except he had darker clothes and white hair.Nodding you felt like you could trust him for some reason. "Good." he smiled "Go straight then once you see a boulder turn left till you are at a lake." he pointed the direction to go straight to,darting away from the area he stood.You did obey him and ended up at a lake which was shimmering in the moonlight.

~~~~~~~~~~With Reader's dad and the stranger~~~~~~~~~

"You! Have you seen a bitch come through here." The father yelled. The stranger's face was flat "Naw, but I am seeing an ass right now."

The father getting furious with the stranger lundged toward him but completely missed the pale man. "That was very rude. Here you are in MY forest and you attack without being harmed." a smirk came on his features . "Time to learn your manners old man." cracking his knuckles, his eyes glowing the color of blood, and casting his shadow which is caused by the moon upon the frightened father.

A blood curttling scream reached the ears of the runaway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to Reader~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Trying to stay up so you can thank the man that helped you get away.Only after the scream you heard,you fell asleep.To your ears it felt like a sign that you can finally stop running and cowarding away.Wishing you knew your hero's name,but all you could do is base off his looks...You thought you saw the man nearing but passed out onto the ground without a second chance.


Dark Link POV

When this girl bumped into me,my body reacted in some weird way.She was saying she was sorry but cut off by what I expected to be just an asshole trying to abuse a pretty face- Dark what are you thinking!Whatever!Anyway I killed that bastard for whatever and left to meet the girl.I didn't think she would obey but there she was,next to the lake and peacefully sleeping as if killing that man is what she needed.I came closer and closer to her,she was really knocked out. "Girlie. Wake up..." I shook her a bit.

Seeing no way to wake her up I just started to leave,but there are monsters that are sure to kill her. 'Ugh!Why do I care?!' I looked back at the sleeping girl once more and that's when I noticed wolves were coming. 'SHIT!' I quickly picked her up bridal style and teleported to my place. Once we were there I talked to the sleeping figure in my arms "I will have to make you a prisoner now..." I smirked.


(T-t-time skip! brought by laziness!(: )

Your POV

You woke up on a soft surface "What in the hell?" looking around and noticed you had your wrist chained up to the bed. "WHAT IN ALL THINGS UNHOLY!" you screamed as you heard a dark chuckle from the door frame.

"Unholy?Hell?You're language is pretty bad for someone that is to believe in the Goddess." he smirked at you.Looking at you with crimson eyes,while he was scanning up and down your form.

Rolling your eyes and looking away "The Goddess is sooo special.She grants wishes and answers your prayers." you spat "She is a worthless belief to have!" then thrashing to get your hands free.Stopping when he laughed.You flushed from embarssment,you thought that what was why he laughed.

"You are one fine babe for saying that." he tried to stop laughing. "I thought everyone in Hyrule was a believer.Guess I was wrong."

"DON'T CALL MY BABE!I AM NOT YOURS!" growling at him.He laughed more,what is up with this dude?!

He leaned into my ear "I saved you because the moment you bumped into me.I owned you,my princess." his hot breath hit my neck making you flushed. "Ah,the princess must be vunerable on the neck area." He cooed making you more and more into a tomato.

"Stop that you fucking womanizer!" you growled again trying to stand up for myself.He pulled you by your collar,starring at your (e/c) orbs with his red ones,you felt your eyes go heavy.Watching what was going on,he used some sort of mind control on you.

"Kiss me my princess." his eyes glowed as he entangled his right hand in your (h/l) (h/c) locks on the left side.Your body moved on it's own and tried to restrain it from kissing him,you were an inch from his lips till you controlled your own body once more. "Huh?Ah,you're pretty skilled to get out of that babe." he left without another word.

"I AM NOT YOUR BABE!" I yelled trying to be as loud as I can for him to hear me.


Dark Link POV

I left her when I heard "I AM NOT YOUR BABE!" laughing at the fact that she's different from last night.(Y/n) is her name right?I'll ask during dinner,she was cute being all innocent and frightened but this side of her is fiesty and full of will intrigued me the most.I went to my kitchen and made a little something,sure I have people I could order around but I don't like them touching my stuff unless they're cleaning it.

"You are mine." I whispered as a looked at the ceiling "As long as I want you,you will stay by my side and be mine." smirking at myself.I own everything the night gives me 'And the night gave me you, my princess.' I made some soup and chicken.Hope she isn't a vegie lover like most of Hyrule.

"Jules!Make sure the girl is cleaned and ready!" I ordered one of my maids. Hopefully Jess can pick the right outfit too.She has disappointed me before,I sighed 'Please let her pick a good one.' I thought.

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