Be My Girl

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I'll be doing Dark's POV most in this chapter. And sorry it short. ):


Dark POV

I was pretending to be asleep when (Y/n) woke up.I held onto it tighter as if I was having a bad dream.She actually fell for it too.She laid back down and waiting for me to 'wake up' I swear if anything she's like a vixen.But then she started moving again.I groaned at the unsettled girl "Princess please stop moving." she did a little jump and I chuckled.I opened one eye to peek at her,she was so cute with that cherry red feature on her. "Ah,does the princess like what she sees?" making her more scarlet red.

"J-just sh-shut up!...Are you feeling better?" she touches my forehead with her hand. "This isn't going to work..." she mumbled.

She then kissed my forehead and this time I jumped a bit.She just had something about herself that just made me sink into her.(Y/n) orbs that are a beautiful shade of (e/c) with her luscious and silky (h/c) (h/l).No one in the right mind can dislike her.I felt something poking my cheek.I looked at the culprit (Y/n). "Yes,what is it my princess?"

"You look so in thought...Did I do something wrong?" she frowned.This made me pissed,I made her worry. "Dark please tell me..."

I sighed "Rest assure princess you did nothing wrong.I was just...thinking." I release my hold on her and sat up.My thoughts rambled on.

I was pushed a bit but two arms hooked around my neck. " you."


Your POV

You felt bad.You recalled he said I love you last night when you were putting him to bed.You hugged him from behind,he might have been sick but that still didn't mean that it might have been true. " you." you shyly whispered.It was true but you hid it because of his ego.This time was different,he needed to hear it.


Dark POV

I smiled. "Do you mean that Princess?" I then heard a scoff.

"My name isn't princess.It's (Y/n).Got that?" she did a little pout face.

I shook my head and understanding. "Oh!And...(Y/n)?" I began.She motioned me to continue and I took a deep breath. "Will you do me the honor my girl?I know its a lot to ask but-" I was cut off by the warmest lips I have ever felt.I immediately kissed back.

She pulled back out of breath. "Dark...I would gladly be your girl." this time I kissed her and longer too.

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