Keep Away

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I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Updating now! I AM SOOOOOO SORRY READERS! DX

I will not make you wait any longer! *passes out cookies for forgiveness* Pwease don't be mad at me. And thank you so much for reading, love you all amazing people for waiting! 


Dust POV

I just had an amazing idea to get (Y/n) to come to my side. It will be swift, just like everything I do. Brother, you just made a great game for me and (Y/n) is my soon-to-be prize. I thought to myself, thing is with Dark and I we rely on the moon's occurrences. The full moon to the last minute of the waning cresent are the days I am at my strongest and if I chose to impregnate a woman during that time, I would have to turn her into me on the full moon when it is a hundred percent and no later.

Same goes for Dark, but as you might have guessed he has the time starting from the new moon to the end of the waxing gibbet. As well for making a girl into him, he just has to do it during the new moon at a hundred percent and no later. When I say 'turn her into me' or 'turn her into him' it means that the ones we chose to be with will have our looks, their skin features would probably stay the same but hair and eyes will change. Eyes and hair would match whoever the moon sided for. The full moon past and the new moon is coming up, it's the wedding day. I'll ruin their relationship by then.

I was quickly taken from my thoughts, "Dust! Dust! I need help and Dark is a little busy, mind giving a hand?" the (h/l) (h/c) creature called me. I smirked and nodded "Thanks so much! Okay this box filled with decorations is really heavy." As I walk up to her a sharp sense of waves hit me like daggers, Dark is trying to warn me not to do anything funny with (Y/n) but it's hard not to with that ass of hers. Feeling of daggers are felt through waves again. OKAY! OKAY! I'll stop, now stop with the bitching!

Bad thing about us, we can sense wave lengths and all but what sucks is that twins like us can inflict small amounts of damage through them. "Okay, so where do these go Queen (Y/n)." she blushed, oh boy, that look suited her. I chuckled, lifting them swiftly with one arm to my shoulder "Look, get use to it. If you marry Dark you'll be know as a queen since he is a prince."

"Wouldn't that make you one too then? You are his twin after all." leading me down the bottom corridors. She was waiting for my answer but I got so distracted, I got to hand it to Dark. He found a really hot chick to be with for the rest of his life but it is my job to ruins his way of living.


Your POV

You were waiting and waiting for an answer while you lead him down to the ginormous kitchen. You rarely saw any maids or butlers so you weren't surprised to see none in there. You stood on table tops and got Dust to help you out a bit, that was until a very loud and obnoxious black haired boy slammed the doors causing you to lose your footing and fall. Waiting for impact you scrunched into a tiny ball but felt arms carry you in an instant, looking up you see Dust.

"Thanks a million Dust. I wasn't sure if the floor would have mercy on me..." scratchingthe back of your neck. He just chuckled and kept you close "Um, you know I am fine right? I can stand and walk still..."

"Oh! But (Y/n) I want to play a game! Please can we play?" unsure you nodded trying not to upset him. He honestly looked like a kid all smiles and laughing "Good! Jeff! We're gonna play 'Keep Away' from Dark! You in?" The raven hair you noticed at the door with a carved smile walked up and high-fived Dust. They whispered a plan about how to play with you and Dark. Dust keeping you in his arms stayed in the open area near the door while Jeff fetched Dark.


Dust POV

Jeff is a good friend of ours, me and my brother. After about twenty-seven minutes of Jeff leaving we hear Dark ranting "DUST YOU ARE A DEAD SHADOW!" he slid at the top of the stairs and started to chase me. "GET BACK HERE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" and he also spoke some more profanities as I made some twist and turns, he was about to get straight on my heels but I moved and reversed my direction. Running straight passed him gave me an advantage.

As I run I see Jeff he motions that he is ready good. "Baby doll, stay quiet till the game is over okay?" I requested, she nodded thankfully. I tossed (Y/n) to Jeff and he tossed me a realistic blow-up doll that looked like her. This will get him good. "I'll be right back." I whispered in her ear, she shivered. This is amazing slightest bit of contact and she submits.

I saw Dark coming so I bolted off again while Jeff covered (Y/n) mouth and disappeared into the room. I ran past mostly all his freinds from the other side, his monochrome clown friend was seeing how pissed Dark was getting over our game and cracked up. I stopped and acting to give the doll a kiss so it looked as if I was kissing (Y/n). Dark lost it!

He punched me in the jaw and took the doll not noticing it's not (Y/n). I shrug it off and walk back to Jeff and Queenie herself. I wave to them  while sitting down feeling my jaw "A-Are you okay? Did Dark hurt you again?" I nodded acting pissed and upset. "I'm sure he is just stressed and he just took his anger out on you." she looks at the brigt side, I like it. I pouted though still acting.

"Still didn't give him any right to hurt me! It was just a game!" Jeff agreed with me. My plan is swift, get hurt by Dark so much she'll fear he'll harm her, then she'll feel so sorry for me that she'll take me. "Jeff can you go get me an ice pack? I think he bruised my beautiful face." the three of us laugh and Jeff gets what I need. We are in a quest room with a king size bed. Amazing~ I pick up (Y/n) and toss her onto the bed and start ticklling her.

"D-Dust! Stop! I-I gonna burst!" her (h/c) locks sprawled beneath her head. I kept on tickling her sides and neck (If you're not ticklish... Please pretend?) "Ahh!" I became limp as I saw blood trickle from my head and tiny droplets land on her. I look back, seeing my brother "DARK! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? HE COULD DIE!" 

Oooh~ Haha! My plan is progressing! "N-no... I-it was my fault princess." sitting up "I guess I was in the wrong for having fun... Please forgive me..." She looked at me with sympathy, she quickly turned it to anger towards Dark. They had like an eye staring contest, thanks to Jeff they stopped.

He gave me my ice pack then  left while I put it on my jaw, "Dark, you have anger issues, don't you?"


"Then why the hell are you being mean and abusing Dust? He hasn't done anything that I consider dangerous...."


Your POV

"Then why the hell are you being mean and abusing Dust? He hasn't done anything that I considered dangerous.... Considering my father..." saying the last sentence below a whisper. Dark looked guilty. He probably heard me... you thought. "Dark just... please... be nice to him? He is technically a quest as well as family."

As you ended that sentence with family Dark scoffed and left. Leaving you and Dust alone "I'm sorry you guys are getting in fights because of me." He sure does apologize a lot. Thinking about how now Dust is more like a pushover after you got to know him. "(Y/n) I don't think I will ever be good to him. He is the next in line for the throw, he'll be a good king as long as everyone obeys him..." 

"Well that can't-" "But it is!" he interupted you. Is Dark really that evil? You loved him, should you really be having second thoughts? "Look Dust, let's just get back to work. The wedding is a week away, we should decorate the floors even. Dark will come around, I promise."

"You swear on it?" he gave you a puppy-begging look. It was really difficult for you to say anything else.

"I swear my marriage to Dark, he will change." you smiled towards each other, going back to the kitchen. You two got into a tinsel and other decorative objects fight... He let you win making you laugh your ass off.


Again. I am soooo sorry! I hope you'll all forgive me...

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