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/Tuesday, August 8, 2020, \
/Atlanta, Georgia\

/D I O R • H A N S\

"You know how long I waited for you big-headed ass girl," Sani said mugging me as I entered her and her roommate's room.

I just finished unpacking and rushed to get dress so we could grab some food cause I was starving after all that work.

"I'm here now so shut up and let's go" I said muffing her head playfully.

Sani grabbed her keys and tossed them at me hitting my arms, I frowned rubbing the spot that was now stinging and picked the keys up.

"You'll be driving so let's go dd" Sani said smirking knowing I hated that nick name my mother called me.

"Fuck you and I didn't bring my car for a reason so you could drive stupid" I explained as Sani walked passed me out the door.

"Yea, yea let's go" Sani said as she head out.

"I thought your roommate was coming" I teased know she wanted the girl to come.

"She was but her boyfriend called her" Sani said causing my jaw to drop.

"You don't never go for someone whose fully gay and single, fucking home wrecker" I stated as I followed behind her.

"Ugh I know, it's just something about them that excites me." Sani said laughing as we exited the dorms building, going to the parking lot.

I shook my head as we got in Sani car and I start the car up. Loud music blasted from the radio causing me to jump and click the radio off button so fast.

"I can't with you, why is your radio so loud and why you left it like that" I said mugging Sani.

I watch as she bursted out laughing at me being scared, I was shock she wasn't scared either but I forgot her whole house  is loud so she probably us to this.

"Yo your face was priceless" Sani stated making fun of me.

"Your an asshole for real" I said as I pull off exiting the parking lot.

"You can't blame me babes, anyways play some music" Sani said as she grabbed her phone hooking it up.

"How you going to tell me to play music and you hooked yours on dummy" I stated as I made a 'are you serious' face.

Sani didn't say nothing as she had all her attention on her phone picking a song.

The song Butterfly by Umi started to playing, this was on of my other favorite song. Sani loved this song too, she started to listening to Umi after I showed her the artist.

"Butterfly, butterfly, where you gonna go tonight, wish I was just like you" Sani and I singed along with all our heart.

After deciding where to eat we picked  a restaurant called SluttyVegan , I was told this was a good restaurant who food was the boom.

𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 | 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐱𝐅𝐞𝐦 Where stories live. Discover now