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/Wednesday, August 9, 2020, \
/Atlanta, Georgia\

/ D I O R • H A N S\

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/ D I O R • H A N S\

"Dior!" Sani screamed as I entered the cafeteria where we planned to meet after our last class.

I smiled before walking towards the table Sani was at before sitting down.

"That's mines," I said getting excited because Sani bought me my favorite sandwich from subway.

I didn't have a clue how Sani had time to go get subway when she was suppose to be in class but I didn't feel like nagging her right now, I'll do it later.

"Duh, do it look like I bought two foot longs just for me" Sani said in a sarcastic way.

"Yea, I can see you buying two foot longs just for you because yo ass eat a lot. But thank you bestie." I said opening my sandwich smiling.

"So you remember when I said we would start our college days off right" Sani said smirking as she sip her drink.

I rolled my eyes knowing what she was talking about, when we first graduated high school Sani couldn't stop talking about the college party's she want to go to. So I just know that's what she's talking about.

"Sani you at least need to wait a week or two until we attend any parties" I said as I scrolled on my phone and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Come onnnn.  I found the perfect person who is throwing the biggest college party on Saturday plus she invited both of us there" Sani said causing me to look towards her with an raised eyebrow.

"She personally invited us? Who is she?" I asked curious on who invited us that we knew since we just got to college two days ago.

"It's destiny friend, damn I forgot her name" Sani said frowning.

Oh so Raine was throwing the party, I wonder where since we aren't allowed to have parties on college grounds.

"Raine? Wait did you ask where the party was cause you know we can't go into any of the clubs their allowed in" I said continue eating my sandwich

"She doesn't stay on campus, Destiny told me her parents are loaded so she got her own condo down town" Sani said as her eyes was following someone.

"Aw so she don't even know us and just invited us" I said.

Honestly I was just trying to make up excuses to not go because I really don't want to party just yet. I wanted to get my grades good before I let loose, I guess you can say I'm still trying to be that perfect daughter that my parents push me to be.

"Why you gotta be like that, I said she invited the both of us plus I seen how you were looking at her the other day don't act like you not trying to get in her panties" Sani said smirking making me choke on my food.

Sometimes she is to blunt.

"Wh-What" I begin to say as I drink some of my drink.

"I wasn't looking at her like that, plus she have a girlfriend the fuck I look like being label as a home wrecker like you" I said getting irritated because she was right.

Yea I had some type of feelings when I were talking to her but it wasn't like that, I just thought she was pretty and loved how she talked.... oh shit.

I guess Sani is right.

I do want to fuck Raine, maybe it's best if I stay away from her instead cause I don't want no type of drama while I'm in college. I don't know who her girlfriend could be, or how her girlfriend would act if she found out I wanted raine that day.

"Aw, it's okay best friend you know what they say the birds of the same feathers flock together" Sani said teasing me as I frowned.

"I'm not going to be a home wrecker like you hoe" I said sticking my tongue out and moving her arm that she placed around my shoulders.

"Mhm whatever, so is you going with me?" Sani asked as she did a puppy dog face.

I was going to decline since I planned on keeping my distance from Raine but a party is probably what I need to find someone els to crush and fuck on.

"Fine but just this once and then no more parties for me until next semester" I said getting up and grabbing my trash to throw away.

It took me a minute to find the trash can but I finally found it and was throwing my trash away when I was bumped hard ass fuck causing me to turn around and mug the person who was on the floor laughing.

"I'm sorry, my crack head ass friend pushed me and I bumped in to you" The dark skinned girl said as she got up dusty off her clothes.

I calmed myself before I said something out of pocket, I kept telling my self that I didn't want to start no fucking drama and plus this situation wasn't even bad at least she said sorry.

"It's fine" I simply said about to walk away but was grabbed gently by her.

"I-I'm really sorry, you seem kind of mad did I hurt you" She asked concern.

I shook my head before smiling, i wasn't even mad. I mean I was in the beginning but she apologized correctly this time.

"Yea I said it's fine, I'm not even mad" I said reassuring her.

"Okay, also my bad for grabbing you I just didn't want to let a pretty girl be mad at me" She said smiling avoiding eye contact with me.

Aw how cute, I wonder if I can get her number.

I was about to respond to her but I was dragged away from the girl by Sani who was in a rush for us to get to class that we had together.

"Sani let me go you fucking cock blocker" I said anger.

"Aw poor you, you wanted to get more girls...damn isn't Raine enough" Sani said smirking as I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked down.

"I told you I don't like her damn so stop" I said as we made it inside the class and she finally let my wrist go.

"I don't even know the girl like that" I added before sitting down.

I mean how can I like someone who I barely know and on top of that she have a whole girlfriend.


I know I've been gone for a min....

But I'm back again-

Make sure to vote and comment so I can update more☺️

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