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(Changbin running down the hallway and taping posters on people's lockers.)

Bang Chan: "What's this?"
(As he pulls a poster from his locker)

Changbin: "I'm having a party on Saturday night, remember?"
(Turns around to look at Bang Chan)

Bang Chan: "Oh shit I forgot."

Changbin: "Bring whoever you want as a guest."

Bang Chan: "Felix of course."

Changbin: "Bring whoever and as many people you want. I rented a ship."
(Yelling as he runs away)

Bang Chan: "Ship?"
(Yells out)

Lee Know: "What ship?"
(Walks towards Bang Chan)

Bang Chan: "Binnie rented a ship for his party."
(Turns his head)

Lee Know: "Nice! Did he say how many people are coming?"

Bang Chan: "A lot! We can invite as many we want too."

Lee Know: "We should invite the others, they are our friends, even if this is only for seniors."

Bang Chan: "Yeah, I'm going to invite Felix."

Lee Know: "You two are like two peas in a pod."

(Bang Chan blushes)

Lee Know: "You're not only best friends but you have a crush on him huh?!"

Bang Chan: "Shh!"
(Puts his hand over Lee Know's mouth)

Lee Know: "Nobody is around, Dang!"

Changbin wants a memorable party before he and everyone graduates. His party will be bigger and more exciting than prom. He planned to invite all seniors but knew his friends are friends with the juniors as well. Changbin joins the group later on so Bang Chan and Lee Know were already friends with the Juniors.

There's a secret about Changbin though. He has a crush on Felix and little does he know, Felix has a crush on him too. Yep, drama alert! Changbin likes him ever since he joined the group, but saw Bang Chan and him were/are best friends and always together. So, he's been hiding his secret ever since.

(Felix notches Han's arm to let him know, Lee Know and Bang Chan are walking towards them)

Han: "How do I look?"
(Fixes his hair)

Felix: "You look good."

(Bang Chan waves at them as he and Lee Know walks towards them)

Han: "Hey, long time no see."

Bang Chan: "It's only been an hour."

Han: "Right right."
(Looking at Lee Know)

Bang Chan: "So, Binnie is having a party on Saturday and I was wondering if you guys want to come?"

Felix: "Party? We don-"

Lee Know: "It'll be fun!!! We're going to be on a ship. The biggest party in years."

Bang Chan: "Come on, please. I can't go without my best friend."

(Felix looks at Han)

Felix: "Fine but I can't go without my group."

Lee Know: "Bring as many people you want."

Felix: "Great!"

Lee Know: "How about you, Han?"
(Lee Know knew Han was staring at him, so he turned his head and said something)

Lee Know doesn't know Han had a crush on him for a long time. Lee Know is so clueless. While Han was staring at Lee Know, he couldn't stop thinking about him and his huge dick. How does he know it's huge? Gym class...wearing sweatpants that show off the outline of his dick. Han also kept his secret to himself.


Changbin's Father: "The ship is all clean for you. If you need anything, just call."

Changbin: "Yes father, I will and thank you!"

Changbin's Mom: "Be safe Binnie! I love you!"

Changbin: "I will, love you too mom!"
(Gives a hug to his mom)


Changbin grew up rich. His parents though weren't like what you see in movies. (Parents treated their kids how they were growing up.) They are easy-going with Changbin. The thing is, he has to act "rich" around their work and friends. Out of his personal life, he can be whoever he wants to be...A normal guy with normal friends but a hint of popularity in school. Girls love him and guys but mostly girls.


Changbin: Are you getting ready?"

Bang Chan: "Just got out of the shower. I'm picking up everyone in 30mins."

Changbin: "Great! Seniors are heading here soon too."

Bang Chan: "I'll text you when I'm on my way."

Changbin: "Alright cool."

(End text)


Everyone was slowly showing up. His dad hired a doorman. Everyone has to pay 5 dollars to get in. (As it's his father's ship, he has to pay him back.)

Bang Chan: "So, how did you get this boat?"

Changbin: "It's my father's."

Bang Chan: "Your fathers?"
(Shock face)

Changbin: "Yes, we can talk about that later. Let's just enjoy my party, okay?!"

Bang Chan: "Alright then."

Bang Chan walks back to the group and offers them alcohol. All but two never drank before. They want to follow the law and drink at age 21. While Bang Chan was getting drinks, Felix walks towards Changbin.

Felix: "Thank you for inviting us!"
(As he taps on Changbin's shoulder)

Changbin: "You're welcome, I know how special you are to him."
(Turns around)

Felix: "I was iffy at first, not a party person."

Changbin: "Well, I just know things will be different after high school. I want people to remember this, you know?"

Bang Chan: "Where did Felix go?"
(Walks back to the group with drinks)

Lee Know: "He umm-"

Han: "He's over there talking to Changbin."

Bang Chan: "Oh-"
(Sad face)

Han: "Why the sad look?"

Lee Know: "He likes Felix."

Han: "Well, Changbin likes him too."

Felix: "Yes but hey! You guys will go to the same college."

Changbin: "True. Hmm, I better greet other people now."

Felix: "Oh right right! See ya!"

Changbin: "I'll find you later and we can talk more."

Felix: "Looking forward to it."

(As Changbin was about to walk away, he saw Bang Chan run up to him)

Bang Chan: "You piece of shit! He's mine!"
(As he raises his fist into Changbin's face)

Felix: "Stop it!
(As he grabs Bang Chan's hand)

Bang Chan: "Wa-"
(Confuse look)

Felix: "We're close but I don't have feelings for you, I'm sorry. I like Changbin."

(Changbin quickly grabs Felix's hand and walk away)

Lee Know: "Oh Bang Chan, I'm so sorry."
(As he hugs him)

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