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The night was filled with an eerie silence, just like that of the forest's. The only noises being crickets playing their music, and the click-clacking of Isao's boots up the path, his back illuminated by the moonlight. He kept trudging up the path, still carrying Ken. Growing weary and faint from his blood loss and injuries, along with carrying Ken, he fell to the ground next to the path. He heard faint voices in the distance, turning to look at them. It was a wagon, being pulled along by horses and frantic soldiers. That was the last thing he remembered before blacking out suddenly. 

 Hours passed as the sun came up, the Factions of Ilis becoming active once again like clockwork. People left their homes, heading to work for the day, while some stayed at home to do chores. It seemed like another peaceful day for the idle citizens of the Redhawk, the opposite can be said for the military there. 

 Isao awoke with a start, sitting up on a bed. He winced in pain as his chest wounds flared from the sudden movement. Looking at his chest, all he saw was bandages wrapped around it, along with his arm. Gathering his bearings, he looked around. He was in the medical bay of the camp, this knowledge made him feel relieved. Looking to the bed next to his, he saw Ken in it, very much still unconscious. Pushing himself out of bed, he stood. His first thought was to go check on his soldiers, but in the state he was in, he wouldn't be doing that for a while. Sighing, Isao left the tent anyways, looking for his gear. He pulled a medical soldier aside.

"I need my gear. Where is it?" He asked the soldier, acting as if it was urgent.

"It's in the locker area sir, but you should be resting with those injuri-" The soldier was cut off by Isao walking past him towards the lockers.

Once he arrived, he quickly gathered it and equipped it in a hurry. His armor made loud clanking sounds as it was put on, along with his weapons hitting against each other while being sheathed. He noticed a new addition to his armory as he finished taking all the gear out, a large, two handed sword stuck at the very back of the locker with a note attached, reading: 

"Isao, here's the weapon you had requested be forged a month ago.  It will serve you well as long as you serve it well, truly a great weapon. Sorry that it took so long, but I was backed up on orders."

Isao grinned a bit, putting the sheathe on his back, along with the sword. It weighed a good amount, causing him to lurch a bit downwards before he regained his balance. Leaving the locker tent, Isao looked around the camp, soldiers everywhere. They all seemed to be talking about the same thing...

"Did you hear about the recent murders" One of them asked another soldier. "Of course I have, who hasn't?" Most of the soldier's were talking along these lines as well, causing Isao's interest to grow in the matter. He approached the two he had overheard earlier.

"What murders are you referring to?" The Lieutenant asked them. 

"Why, the ones happening in the towns nearby! The most recent ones were right near this camp, in the village sir." 

Isao appeared to be confused. "I haven't been informed of this yet, strange..." He said to himself, walking off to the captain's tent to get some answers. As he walked into the tent, the captain looked up, as if he was expecting him. 

"Ah, right on time Isao!" The captain stood, picking up a roll of paper that lay on the desk, walking towards the Lieutenant with it. "I trust you've heard of the murders recently?"

Isao nodded. "That's actually why I'm here, captain. I'd like some information on this, if possible." He said to the captain, hoping for an answer.

"Well, that's actually what this is for. It's a briefing for you." He handed the paper over to Isao, who took it. "You're going to go to the village and see if you can find anything related to these murders, and see if you can find whoever or whatever is doing it." 

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