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All Factions had to have a foundation. A set of principles, rules, beliefs, and trends that could harmonize within them. They had to stand out from the others, so they wouldn't just fade into the unknown category, and so that they could soar into the famous and popular. Most would say that the Redhawk Faction was built from hard work, moral filled people, and a dream of becoming strong. A Faction where those who dwelled there had an equal life, instead of being separated into categories of wealth. The youth ran gleefully while the elderly enjoyed peace. 

And the military? Well, they were filled with ambition. The overpowering desire to succeed. Succeed at what, you may be wondering? Well, to answer that question, they were trying to succeed at passing the Lieutenant's training regimen for the day. The soldiers of one of the many Redhawk camps were running around the large track that had been built there just a few days ago, per the Lieutenant's request.  

The camp was a cacophony of noise, the air filled with the unsavory smell of sweat and tears. The Lieutenant looked at the soldiers running around the track, scowling at them, making it clear they had to keep running. His gaze made the soldiers try their best, as they knew they would be punished if they didn't. A few soldiers sagged behind, having exhausted all their energy in this heat.

"Ten more laps!" The Lieutenant barked, noticing the lagging soldiers. He would tolerate no weaklings in his unit, especially with the Redhawk Faction's diminishing Military Personnel.

A few soldiers groaned, though they all replied with the same monotonous, "Yes sir!"

"And keep up the pace, or you'll lose lunch!" Another harsh command from the Lieutenant. They were used to this though, this way everyday life with him. After all, you can't procrastinate training, that's just asking for bad karma. Especially with this Lieutenant as your instructor.

"Aye!" They yelled, picking up the pace somewhat, trying to earn a bit of respect. They'd get none however, as the Lieutenant's respect supply was as dry as the camp. His patience was about as brittle, too, on the verge of breaking.

The soldiers eventually came to a slow walk instead of a sprint. Many were panting, while some fell to their knees from exhaustion. Though, who could blame them? It was hot out, and they've been running for almost an hour.

"Alright, that's enough!" The Lieutenant sighed, feeling embarrassment for how badly the soldiers were doing, even though they were doing quite well. "You can go to lunch, it's time anyways." He waved his hand at them.

The soldiers cheered, dragging themselves to the lunch tent. Inside, it was just as humid. Less sandy though, so I suppose that's a plus.

Today's menu was Mushroom Soup. A few soldiers scrunched their faces at the thought of it. They got into line, being served the soup, not exactly what you'd call excited about it.

"Why did it have to be Mushrooms...?" One said aloud, catching the chef's attention. 

"Be grateful ye get any food at all, or ye'll be washing the dishes." He snapped at them, not appreciating the lack of gratitude.

They shrank back, "Yes, sir.." The Chef glared at them while the soldier sat down.

The Lieutenant walked up now, the soldiers moving aside for him out of respect.

"Ah, Lieutenant Isao!" The Chef grinned, already pouring him a bowl of his soup, Isao squinting at it for a brief moment out of disgust, but he hid the disgusted part.

Isao took the bowl. "Hello, Alastair. I trust my soldiers didn't give you a hard time?" He gave a slight smile, trying to ignore the unsavory aroma coming from the mushroom soup. Actually, could it even be called soup at this point? It was more of a sludge honestly.

"Oh, most were just fine ye see, but one of them complained about the lunch I so graciously prepared being Mushrooms." The Chef replied, an annoyed look on his face.

"I see, i'll have them help with the dishes, then." Isao sighed, disappointed.

"Them?" The Chef questioned.

Isao nodded. "Yes, them," He turned away, facing the soldiers.

"Jackasses! You'll be helping the Chef clean up, and I better not hear any arguing about this!" He announced, scowling at the group.

The soldiers immediately began to groan and protest, but Isao shut them up with a deadly glare.

"Now, i'll be going to attend my other duties. Treat the Chef well, or else." Isao left them with that sentence hanging over their heads as a threat as he left the tent, looking around before dumping the mushroom soup on the ground next to the tent.

"It really is disgusting, I can agree with them on that.." He muttered to himself, looking up at the sky. Pulling out a notepad with his schedule on it, he read it to himself. "Now should be weapons training." He tucked the notepad back into his pocket. 

Following the sounds of grinding metal, he walked into the weapon practice yard. Looking at the soldiers there, he was somewhat disappointed. Many were out of shape, not even in a proper stance with their weapons. Most of them weren't even practicing, just leaning against the wall and talking up a storm. Isao slammed his gauntlet covered hand against the entryway, announcing he was there without even saying anything. A few of the soldiers jumped in surprise. He walked in, causing the soldiers to salute. 

"Line up!" He shouted at them, causing the soldiers to get in line tallest-shortest in a hurry. He looked at the line, and pointed at a soldier near the smallest side. "You! Demonstrate a Boar's Tooth guard for me." The soldier gulped and raised his hand. "What is it?"

"I don't know what that is, sir.." They were a bit anxious of what the Lieutenant's reaction would be. 

He just groaned, looking at the rest. "Do ANY of you know what a Boar's Tooth guard is?"

They all answered "No sir," causing the Lieutenant to groan again. 

"How about a Front Guard? Do any of you know what that is?" 

They all replied "No sir," once again.

Isao rubbed his temples, massively disappointed in the group. Unsheathing his sword, he made himself parallel to the group. "Watch carefully. This is a Boar's Tooth guard." Planting his right foot forwards and left foot behind, he entered a back-stance. He brought the sword downwards to the left of his right leg, keeping it there. 

The soldiers watched, a few of them mimicking the action. Isao left the stance, looking at the ones who weren't practicing. 

"What are you waiting for? Get to it!" He waved his hand at them, annoyed. "What a handful.." He thought to himself. 

The soldiers spread out, practicing this guard.

Isao looked upwards at the sky, sighing heavily. 

The weather had gotten better, not nearly as hot as it had been earlier. Clouds covered the sky, casting shadows on the camp. Right as Isao began to enjoy this weather, a soldier ran up to him in quite a hurry.

"Lieutenant, I have urgent news!" They were out of breath, they had obviously ran the entire way.

"Well, get on with it!" He barked at them, being impatient as he usually was.

They nodded, "We've lost some soldiers in the Guilchile Forest! The captain wants you to go investigate it!"

Isao sighed, "Of course, i'll get right on it."

The soldier gave a thumbs up, running off to report to the captain in a hurry.

Isao looked upwards. "Today just won't give me a break, will it?" 

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