Lost Without You|| Draco Malfoy

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Backstory: Snape is your father and he informed the students of your passing and Draco is hurting. 

Professor Snape was called to the front with Professor Dumbledore and then looked at each other and then Professor Snape looked at the students. 

"It's with my greatest regret to inform you that Y/N, my daughter has passed away."

Everyone looked at each other remembering Y/N and nobody noticed Professor Snape shed a tear and head out of the great hall into his classroom. 

Everyone looked at Draco who was hurting the most. A tear shed down his cheek and he crossed his arm took a deep breath in and Pansy rubbed his back to make him feel loved, but it didn't work. 

Professor Dumbledore looked at the students and wiped a tear away as most students did too, "her death was a tragic accident, but no other details will be shared unless Professor Snape agrees."

Hermione looked at Draco and Ginny turned around as well and turned around and sighed looking down. 

"She was a good student and friend, despite that she was a Slytherin," Ginny said. 

"I know, but would be the other details Professor Dumbledore is talking about," Hermione asked the group, "and it looks like Draco isn't handling as well."

When Hermione said that the group looked at Draco and tears were running down his cheeks and he got up and left the great hall.

"What would we had expected. Draco and Y/N were the greatest love story. They were inseparable," Ron said as he looked at Hermione. 

Draco was walking quickly to the bathroom untieing his tie and leaning over the sink crying. 

"Why did you leave me?" Draco said over and over as he cried more. 

Professor Snape was in his classroom with tears running down his face and he looked around and wiped them away. 

"Did they believe everything father?"

Professor Snape looked at Y/N and hugged her as he hugged her back. 

"No one can know you're alive Y/N, I need you safe."

Y/N pulled away from the hug and looked at her father, "what about Draco?"

"Draco can't know anything Y/N although his skills in occlumency have advanced he won't be able to contain himself knowing you're alive."

Y/N had tears running down her face knowing that her true love wasn't able to know she was alive and she is doing it for him. 

Draco calmed himself down and headed to his dorm with bloodshot eyes and headed off to bed. Y/N walked the corridors in the dark and headed to the Slytherin common room and headed into Draco's dorm. 

Y/N looked at him and tear ran down her face as she ran her finger lightly over his cheek that had dried up tears. 

"Everything I do is for you my love, I will be back to you because I'm lost without you."

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